I insert my new G7s at night so that they can settle in and get some of their craziness out before I connect to them in the morning. In the morning, when I connect the new G7 to the app on my phone, I usually get 2 lines for my overnight results — one for the newly inserted sensor and one for the old sensor which I was actually using during the overnight.
Showing the hidden history of the new sensor is not essential, but kind of cool. I see the number of times the new sensor would have told me I was possibly dead from a low blood sugar (that’s what new G6 and G7 sensors often do in the first 12 or so hours for me— false urgent lows and the attendant alarms.) The double readings also show how often the new sensor ran in parallel with the old sensor which is often reassuring that it’s essentially working, just having a few false dips.
Anyway, when I connected to my new sensor this morning, no double lines (just an ongoing false low.) What gives? Just a onetime fluke or have they eliminated that feature so as not to confuse our feeble minds?