I understand there is some variability between the reading from different fingers, but anyone have results like I got a little while ago?
11:40 83 Right Index Finger
12:11 144 Right Ring Finger
12:12 88 Left Ring Finger
12:13 101 Left Thumb
12:14 94 Right Thumb
I was getting ready to have lunch at 11:40, but the UPS driver arrived with some stuff I ordered, so I did not eat or Bolus at that time.
I checked again right before actually eating.
I had been running a touch lower than normal since late last night. Values in the 80-90 range. So when I got the 144 I checked again...glad I did! If I would have accepted and bolused for the 144, I would have been in trouble!
Same procedure for each finger, new lancet for each, hands washed before the 11:40 and again before the others, etc.
Meter (Bayer Contour Next Link) tested with control solution was within range.
Anyone else run into such a huge variability between fingers?
I don't use the CGM for treatment decisions, but it's nice to look at trends, but sometime it just adds more questions:
11:38 130
11:43 122
11:48 116
11:53 93
11:58 97
12:03 96
12:08 94
12:13 93
12:18 91
So was the 83 @ 11:40 skewed or was it the 144 @ 12:11?
If the meters are only accurate within 15%, and the CGM is only 15% too, and my finger-sticks are as much as 60% difference, then having to account for the time lags...it's no wonder Diabetes is such a challenge to manage.
Rhetorical question: Do we need to make extra confirmation finger-sticks before making a treatment decision?
Maybe I'll do that for a little while and track fingers...heck, might just track each individual stick location too. Which means I need to draw up a finger tip map.