Well, to play the devil’s advocate…if we were to follow that line then I could say that I shouldn’t have to pay money towards social security since I’ll never see it. Let the future retirees work an extra 20-30 hours a week to obtain money for their retirement and let me keep the chunk of money that gets taken out of my paycheck every week and use it as I want. I could also say that my tax dollars shouldn’t go towards anything that I do not benefit from personally - like public schools. Since I don’t have children and have long since graduated myself I should no longer need to pay into the system.
I don’t think that we need to work outselves to death in order to be able to afford healthcare. I’m not for universal and I’m not against it - but I don’t think the current system is set up very well and alternatives should be looked into. Right now I am dependent on employer sponsored healthcare, which goes away (after cobra ends, of course) if I lose my job. Hypothetically if I were to lose my job and then run through cobra …I would be up a creek. I cannot purchase a plan on my own and if I were to go through a lapse in coverage I could feasibly be denied coverage by other insurance companies (employer sponsored or not) in the future. I’m sick of seeing health insurance companies cherry pick the healthiest people. I’m sick of arguing over prescriptions and how often I actually do need insulin or test strips.
I don’t think this issue is about lazy people who want a hand out - and I keep seeing that stimga assigned to it over and over again. To me this issue is about making health care affordable. It’s getting ridiculous. Working yourself to the bone in order to be able to afford the ridiculous price of healthcare is not the answer.