Why can't I keep my blood sugars under control?

It sounds to me like you have already taken the first step to finding that control!

You have some wise words about taking things one day (or a few hours) at a time. I’ve just checked out your blog and really like how you are so down to earth about your diabetes, s I’ve added you to my blogroll. And I’ve left a comment on the post about not CGM-ing!


Hi -

Don’t worry about having good blood sugars to show your doctor. Your meter is a compass and it is often most useful when you’re lost. If you get a bad number, be happy. That bad number will help you go where you want to go.

And do stick around. This is a very nice place.


Fear as motivation, though well intended, do nothing for us longterm. You need to figure out what YOUR motivation is. What do you want to do today without diabetes getting in the way? What do you want to do tomorrow? Next year? In 10 years? When you have the answers to these questions, use these daily and longterm goals to fuel you each moment of the day. Test your blood sugar because you want to go for a walk without out of wack blood sugar. You want to walk because you want to exercise. You want to exercise for your health. You want to be healthy because you have a specific goal to reach today. You want to reach today’s specific goal because you want to reach tomorrow’s specific goal. You want to reach tomorrow’s specific goal because it will lead to next year’s specific goal-and so on. Write down your immediate goals and longterm ones and post to your fridge, your bedroom, your bathroom mirror, your computer. Then, just test, count your carbs, give your insulin as you know you should and do it because of the things you want to accomplish today. It’s not easy and this takes time. It took me years BUT, I eventually got from a place that sounds like what you’re describing, and came to where I am now-a much more comfortable and healthy place. You can do this.

you’re right…fear rarely helps other people until you have experienced it yourself…and then you use your experience to scare the bagebers out of yourself…and that motivates you to do and want better. Not saying it has to be something as serious as a heart attack and heart surgery.