Wisdom Teeth Extraction for Type 1s? Were you put out?

Depends on the person. I needed to have mine removed because I had had braces as a kid - so there was no room for the wisdom teeth to come in, and it would have created problems for me later on. Generally, lack of room in mouth is why people get them out. As it was, some of my teeth shifted when the wisdom teeth started coming in.

My dad’s an oral surgeon, I assisted him for years, for surgeries just like this. I also had him take my teeth out, and my friends’ teeth, and any Type 1 that wanted it, for that matter.

Personally, I find work in the mouth where they are grinding your bone, using drills, and suturing to warrant anesthesia, especially the light kind they are using in the office of an Oral Surgeon. However, if you don’t like your physician, that’s a great reason to go somewhere else.

I’ve been put under for a number of surgeries, never had a problem! Check before, check after. The wisdom teeth will be less than an hour total time, no need for the nurse to be checking your glucose. Make sure they know that if they have trouble waking you, to check your sugar and have glucagon available. That’s it! Best of luck, I’m sure it will go perfectly well… you might even enjoy the anesthesia! :slight_smile:

Talk to your regular doctor . I was put on antibiotics after extraction . when I had surgery I was told to reduce insulin to half. I’m sure that you aren’t the first diabetic for this oral surguen so he does know what to do…Someone will be there to monitor you through out the process. You’ll do fine .Everyone is nervous before any kind of surgery. The best thing I can do for you is pray for you .

I had all four of mine removed at once and I stayed awake. He wanted to knock me out but I wouldn’t let him. I had a cold at the time and everyone told me that they would not knock me out but he wanted to. I had to have antibiotics prior to dental surgery because of a heart murmur. I have had other anesthesia for major surgeries and never had a problem but that was with an actual anesthesiologist doing the knocking out.

I had all four taken out and I was put to sleep. My BF at the time stayed in the room with me. I checked my blood sugar right before and he checked once during the surgery to make sure I wasnt dropping. If I didnt start dropping they had an IV bag that had glucose in it that they could switch out with the reg fluid. I didnt have any troubles. Just make sure your BG is stable before.

I’ve been T1 for 51 years and have had only one surgery which required an anesthesia and I had no problems - 7 years ago for gall bladder removal. I even convinced them, without trying very hard, to leave my pump on me during the surgery. All was well and it was about a 1.5 hour surgery.

Now I have a question for you is, are your wisdom teeth giving you problems or did they just tell you that you need them out?

The only reason I ask is that I have a friend who is a dentist and he says unless they are giving you problems you shouldn’t worry about having them removed. I was told when I was 14 that I needed to have mine out as they were going to cause me major trouble in the future. We didn’t have insurance and my dad said to wait until there was an issue. I’m now 55 and still have all of my wisdom teeth without problems…yet.

I actually had a great time and felt that my wisdom teeth removal was totally fun, but that was really only because of all the happy pills and drugs they put me on.

I was not knocked out for the removal, my wisdom teeth were already grown out and they put a plier like tool in my mouth to simply rip the teeth out, a tool that looks smiler to the pliers I have in my tool boxes here at home. During the process they were also checking my blood sugar constantly, they were ready from the start. After the procedure I was then on Vicodin and antibiotics for a about 3 or 4 days of recovery.

This was back in 2005 when I was just 20 at the time.

O am a Type 2, but I have been through this kind of extraction twice already. As they all said before, just make sure your sugars are at bay, and you should be fine. If you cannot be put out (which is not common where I come from), just scream. It’s all right. That’s what I did. LOL

I had three impacted wisdom teeth when I was your age, so definitely had to be put out for that surgery. I made sure my numbers were good the night before and the day of, made sure all nurse knew that I was diabetic and that I HATE dentists (: ).) plus made sure someone, my husband, was with me. The “funny” thing was I went under and remember all the beeps of the machines and such and when I came to afterwards, I asked my husband if he was rushed in and we were at the emergency room, and he 1. looked at me funny and 2. laughed, so there were no issues but obviously my worries were brought to me when I went under initially. But hey it seems like tons of people on here say the same, that we Type1s are good to go…hopefully this helps!

I got my wisdom teeth out 10 years ago before I was on the pump. AKA, back when I had a strict eating schedule. I had an oral surgeon, I was in the hospital and the anesthesiologists son had T1 as well. No matter who you are, there is a risk with anesthesia, but knowing his son had the same thing as me made me feel more comfortable. I was totally out for the whole thing, and never had any complications.
Is there another surgeon in the same practice you could also talk to to get your questions answered? Good luck!