Only have had diabetes only 7 months but already a pro. My mom and brother have it so I was physically ready but no where near emotionally ready. Getting a pump and cgm next month and excited but scared about it to. Tired and discouraged days like this where I’m low and even lower makes me just wanna cry.
When I was on MDI, for a long time, I'd eat and take huge shots and wait to crash out and I sort of got in the habit of using feeling depressed as a "meter" that feeling depressed was time to test and treat the lows.
I was diagnosed 38 years ago, but hopefully starting on a pump in early June. So I know that worried feeling. If it's any consolation, I think 99% of people are happier with pumps than with multiple injections :)
That's why I prefer:
to glucose tablets?
Welcome, Kelsey.
Know how you feel with the low blues. Makes me instantly weepy & tired. I remind myself the feeling will soon pass as I wait for jelly beans to take effect. I was hardly a pro 7 months into diabetes & was a bewildered, confused mess not knowing what to do or where to turn. The emotional part takes a while. Hope you'll share your thoughts with us.
I love these jellybean pouches! Where do you get those size bags?
Sorry you're feeling that way, but I understand. Whether you're a newbie or an oldie to T1, it can still be overwhelming. I can say that having a pump really helps. Some of the fatigue/discouragement/sadness you're feeling may be the result of your blood sugar being all over the place. When I get too high or low I definitely feel that way! Especially lows...they can make me really depressed. I have to remind myself that it's just my brain not getting enough glucose :-)
A pump can really help make things more stable. But BE PATIENT. It will take time to get your basal rates all established. You are lucky that you have two experts right there in your household!
Welcome to TuD Kelsey!
I agree that the lows can definitely increase the emotional aspect of diabetes. I have had a few lows where the tears are suddenly flowing and there seems to be an overwhelming feeling of sadness. But, knowing that I'm low helps me to realize (albeit slowly sometimes) that it is just that--a feeling: nothing more, nothing less. I correct the low and things get better.
Getting a pump and CGM and utilizing them to help manage your D should help you catch the lows sooner, and you'll be able to steer clear of those saddening feelings.
Know that all the folks here at TuD are here to help be a support system for you--it will get better so keep it up and try not to get too discouraged w/ the little hiccups along the way!
I get 100 for about a buck at Hobby Lobby. They are very handy and will cover 3-4 lows nicely.
I just love them! Gotta get me some. Thanks.
The emotional side is defintely tougher! my son is 13 and does well pumping and handling the day to day stuff, but gets sad alot, i think when something else is going on in his life his diabetes always surfaces as on the "bad list". do all your friends know about your D, are they supporting you, i think that is very important, my son hasnt been totally out about his D and that has caused him some anxiety. he hates it when i put on my counselor role and give him coping advise becuase clearly i wouldnt have a clue becuase i dont have diabetes. i think for him being heard, giving him some space and knowing he isnt in it alone helps. he is not willing to connect with other teens here which i respect but feel would help him. in anycase, taking it one day at a time is always best, relying on your support system which is sounds like you have and also being greatful for the gifts you do have, all your wonderful nonD qualites, you may have a bum pancreas but you still have alot going for you. hang in there, hope this didnt sound to corny! best wishes, amy
Kesley! I'm so glad you joined and so thankful for all the comments you have gotten! I hope your day is continuing to go well today. :)