First Post

Since my treatment began on 7/24 I have been feeling much better. I've seen the endo once, and he put me on 5u Humalog w/ meals (which I sometimes adjust for more carb-heavy meals), and 15u Lantus every morning. I tend to be be high more than low, which is preferable to the other way around (says my T1DM grandpa).

I've also noticed that I have a high sensitivity to hypoglycemia - I start sweating and shaking when I get into the 70's and below. I feel like that's a good thing though, because I don't want to get taken by surprise. My DM education is starting soon, and the endo says he wants to get me on a pump, so there is a lot of stuff going on for me in the near future.

Furthermore, I have found that I can actually skip my meal-time shot when I'm working my weekend job (police foot patrol for 8hrs+) due to the level of physical activity that it demands. My efforts shift to keeping my BG up during those times.

I'm seeing the endo again on 9/5, and awaiting my bloodwork in the mail. I'm interested to see what my A1C is now (was 12.8% at diagnosis).

Hey Brandon.
It must be a huge headache for you as an adult.

You have a long way to go, and a lot to learn. Joining here is a really good step, as is getting a pump.
Your diagnosis A1C will almost definitely be higher than your last, and yes you're right about your low awareness being a good thing.
I'm no angel with my control and while I've always thought that might be in part due to my excellent symptoms when low, it is also something I wouldn't be without.

Good luck with everything. I would be interested to hear of your progress.


Welcome Brandon! Good to hear your are feeling better. Do take your Endo's recommendation for a pump. They are some work at first, but the payoff is more than worth it.

Also, be aware that the "low" feeling is not always due to the BG number. It's also caused by the movement of your BG number. You could be at 100 and still feel hypo, that's because your moving downward. With a pump, you can sit between that 70 to 100 number much better, because you'll not be moving up and down as dramatically. As long as you stay on a very good diet program too. Very important. And your activity time, work and such, will be much easier to do with proper numbers too. It'll take some adjustment so be ready for that.

I take my HUMALOG before meals. Lantus at bedtime. I shake and sweat when in 70's so I pop a few jelly beans. Also get some glucose tablets. You will learn as you go along. I am 85 and still learning. My complaint now and it is because no strength I find it hard to push the button on the Humalog. Good luck to you. You can do it.

Welcome Brandon!