Would u be rather hyperglycemia OR hypoglycemia?

Hypo, though I also wish that when I was hypo I wasn’t inclined to eat every carb on the planet, and then rebound later with Highs. Highs take FOREVER and a day to come down for me and cause major mental anguish. Lows are annoying, but can be fixed relatively quickly (though on some days I feel just fine after a few minutes, and on others I feel super lethargic for about 2-3 hrs post low, like a truck ran me over, which sucks too.)

One thing about being hypo is that it can cause you to have spikes later on. When getting into control, they first try to reduce the lows. Sustained highs can be because whatever you had had a great deal of protien or fat and causes the rise later and from what I’ve experienced (YMMV), it seems it’s a hard high to bring down. Really annoying no matter what causes it. :slight_smile:

I think it matters how hypo or hyper you’re going. Being in the 60s doesn’t bother me at all and I think of that as an inevitable part of keeping near normal blood sugars. On the other hand, I prefer a 160 to a 35 any day.


I guess I kinda disagree.

of course,if diabetes wall about hypo and hyper and complications,I’d DEFINITELY pick hypo.

but there are two problems with hypos:
1-potentially damaging to the brain.I don’t want to be a "Veggie"
2-gaining WEIGHT,very important deal for me since I look after my weight very closely.

that doesn’t mean I think I’m right,I guess it’s a -chocolate\ vanilla- situation.

by the way,good question :smiley:


Hello Sasha:

High (hyper) EVERY blessed time thanks.

Neither feels good, but low will KILL instantly under far more circumstances. Lows (if missed) remove any ability to act coherently! Far, far, far prefer a high always thanks.


I’d rather be Hypo than Hyper. It’s easier to fix and I feel terrible when my BG is high and that feeling lasts way too long.

I prefer hyper. Since I live alone, it’s too dangerous for me to go low.

yup, not too hypo though

Usually hypo, since it’s a relatively quick fix.

But after a large out-to-dinner meal, I would rather be hyper. I can’t stand going low after being completely stuffed!

I’d really rather be neither, but I prefer hyper to hypo, UNLESS it’s an extreme hyper, which is very difficult to get down. But I just hate the hypo feeling, and it takes so goldarn long to start feeling OK again, even if my BG has recovered. So I’d really rather be at 200 than at 40.

Your right about that Natalie. I’d rather be neither too but you just said what I think either way. I HATE the hypo feeling of not being able to get my body to do what I tell it to do (and my feet even have trouble in a low. little long everything else) of course when I go low I can do what I’ve always done even though it looks like a drunk trying to do it til someone insists I check my bs. Then you can just about gareente a fight from me! LOL! I"M FINE!!! DON’T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!! (exact words MANY times only that dang machine proves me wrong EVERYTIME!!!)

Ever tried arguing with a meter? I HATE to lose and it wins EVERYTIME!!!

it sure is stubborn

glad u feel that way. I now understand why hyper is better… hypo if missed YES it could kill yah. Thanks for your reply

yes yes and yes hate highs…

It seems I NEVER win no matter what. Now as my family has learned I’M RIGHT!!! but it says no I’m not!!!

I am usually hyper when I go out … can never get the right #s especially eating chinese. Seems like u give your self extra insulin to be on the safe side

wow… really. A juice would just cure mine. I would actually keep my chocolates ready for hypo days… while enjoying the chocolates my hypo recovers

the above reply is for Natalie