You're cute managing your diabetes

Okay, this was a new one…

Sitting here in bed with my wife day after Christmas having coffee, reading the paper, watching the news. I pull out my PDM, strips, lancet and alcohol pad to do my wake-up calibration of the G5.

Wife chuckles a bit, looks over at me, and says, “you’re so cute doing your diabetes routine in the morning”.

Hokay… I’ll take the props when I can get 'em, but that one made me laugh :sunglasses:


Definitely an improvement over “Eww, could you please do that in the bathroom?”

She is supportive,that is BIG. Nancy

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Next time reply with that’s because type 1s rule and we know it !

An alcohol pad? What do you use that for?

Cleaning the fingerprints off the PDM display. What did you think it was for?


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I usually just lick the screen and wipe it on my dirty pants.


Never thought of that… now I can save the alcohol pad. Awesome!

Long as she didn’t call you SWEET lol