12-24 Hour Flatline

wow! that is a great 24 hour line! well done, AR :slight_smile:

I dunno. The one yesterday was just on day 5 and should have lasted through today, not according to the manufacturer but all the ones until the last few months generally did fine out to 6 days. It pretty much read low, like in the 40s, for a while, while my BG was in the 1-teens, not horrible but off enough, then I tried a couple of calibrations that got into sensor errors, then it was just kind of in the 1-teens but my BG was up and down around that, mostly below but the readings were just off. This is a bit distturbing as it seems to make the ā€œMonthly averageā€ data more meaningless than usual so the A1C will really be rolling some dice?

I hate when my dex is off significantly. Hope it stops FUBARing soon!

Finally something to post. Yes, just ate a spelt cake (like rice cakes but 4 net carbs), some almond butter and a tiny drizzle of honey. Yum.

Just so you all know Iā€™m still here and lurking as I get time. Hope all is well.

I have been lurking also but I am out of sensors and playing the doctor/insurance game. Your line looks great Onesaint!

Wow, nice line! Glad allā€™s well. Are you close to finishing?

Iā€™ve had nothing to post but seagulls with loooooong wings. Still having huge spikes for no apparent reason. Oy, the joys of D.

Odd day, had a funeral to go to so I had to run @ the crack of dawn, was very creaky so I only ran 3 miles but seemed to have a decent day anyway then didnā€™t really eat dinner, split microwave popcorn w/ MrsAcidRock, chased with Mikeā€™s Hard Cranberry Lemonades (good stuff, I think they are like 6G of carbs!) and then crashed out.

I am always in awe of the lines you post! :slight_smile: I manage that SOMETIMES, but not always. Struggling with a spate of lows this last week and a half, and the sensor has NOT been showing them, not even with dropping trends. :frowning:

Dear Flatliners:

I have had my dexcom for almost 3 months. I have yet to achieve a decent 12hr-24hr flatline. Iā€™m pretty successful at the 6hr flatline, but thatā€™s generally when Iā€™m asleep at night (and not eating). How do you do it?!? Do you avoid certain foods? Do you TAG? Do you always do combo boluses? Please share your words of wisdom. I had an A1C of 6% last month and am aiming to get under 6 by my next visit in 2 months. Please help!


Meghan, two words: low carb or no carb. By eating carbs I feel that i increase my margin of error in bolousing. A 6 is not necessarily a ā€œbadā€ a1c. But if you wish, try it. It works for me.

Megan, do you download your dexcom data and look for patterns? Thatā€™s helped me a lot. I also find that when I pre-bolus by about 15-20 minutes I donā€™t get spikes. I agree with veterandiabetic - I eat around 30-40 carbs a day. I TAG for meals that are heavy in fat/protein. Do you pump or use MDI?

Why not post one of your 12-14 hour lines, no one here expects perfection, nor do we achieve it! A 6 ainā€™t bad!

mmmmā€¦hard lemonadeā€¦soooo jealous! i had a hankerinā€™ for red wine like no oneā€™s business yesterday! So I had another powerade zero. yum.

Anyway, great line, AR! You again show your mastery of the flatline :slight_smile: Well done!

Hey Megan - great question! When I started with the Dexcom in the spring I had the same deal. I decided that the best plan for me was to significantly lower my carb intake. I dropped it from around 150 to 200 g/day to about 75 and had STELLAR results! But I have to tell you it was a commitment and a big change to our household. It was a change that I welcomed and was committed to so it worked.

(In the interest of full disclosure I feel that I should mention that I am 12 weeks pregnant and had to add carbs back in about a month ago due to morning sickness and my total aversion to vegetables right now. I did lower my A1c under 6, but my flatlining has taken a hit for sure).

Also, posting like jrt said helped alot. Showing others and getting feedback on what is and isnā€™t working was able to help iron out some of those peaks.

Best of luck to you in your journey!

If I get big bumps after meals consistently (ok, like 3 days in a row, b/c I have OCDiabetesā€¦), I will adj my carb ratio for the meal in question up a notch and see if that helps? Most of the time that works pretty well. I ran into some issues recently where I had to change it a bunch of times, going from 10-11G/U to 12-13G/U but then my pump blew up and Iā€™m back at 10-11 again. Iā€™m not sure if the change meant the pump was blowing up, Iā€™m sure MiniMed wonā€™t tell me $%#@ so Iā€™ll just assume it is working ok for a while. I see small changes like that all the time and will fiddle with the numbers to make them do what I want them to do.

Iā€™m thinking about tweaking my I:C ratios too because of the spikes Iā€™ve been having after eating sometimes. Just donā€™t get why Iā€™d be more insulin resistant all of a sudden? Always somethingā€¦

I donā€™t look at it as more ā€œinsulin resistantā€, I just look at it as needing to put the tiller over a couple of degrees to catch the wind more smoothly. I read the Patrick O"Brien Jack Aubrey novels a few years ago and think that controlling oneā€™s BG, particularly with a pump, is like sailing. Mine seem to drift a bit every few months. Sometimes, I can put a finger on it, like last year when I stopped running a lot and switched to bicycling over the summer, I was sure my BG would go up because cycling is less studly than running but just the opposite happened. Maybe it was my addiction to speed or using different muscles or the longer duration of rides vs. runs but it killed my BG!! I think that itā€™s just as likely to be zodiacal influences as anything else but when it changes, I just change things.

Hmmm Mercury is retrograde, and 1/2 my day was totally *$^% up by verizon, so maybe it is the stars. For now Iā€™m just adding 1/2-1 unit to my boluses, and trying really hard not to get so hungry that I canā€™t pre-bolus.

I love the Patrick Oā€™Brien series, read them years ago (well, most of them). I acquired a few on CD to listento in the car. Iā€™ve forgotten the name of the man who reads them but he is fabulous - get one if you can!

Acidrock- Iā€™m wondering how you bolus because from what I understand you donā€™t subscribe to low carbs necessarily. I canā€™t go low low carb with my training. And wondering how you do it. I think my problem has been two fold. I donā€™t carb count particularly accurately sometimes, and after I climbed Half Dome three weeks ago my insulin sensitivity has gone way down and I curried putting my head in the sand and hoping the low 200 would go away rather than do what you talked about Acid and gradually adjust my basals every other day. So the question is how do you do moderate carbs and flatline?

I canā€™t remember who said it, but it really does help to talk about things with my numbers. So in the last 3 days Iā€™ve changed a few things. 1: I downloaded a nutrition calculator to my smart phone, so my carb counting has been spot on (my fitness app has everything Iā€™ve bought at the grocery store and resteraunt Iā€™ve eaten at). 2: then I paid attention to jrtpup and how she waits between bolusing and eating, so Iā€™ve been waiting about 10 min before digging in. Itā€™s not quite a flatline but Iā€™m a lot happier with it than my curves from last few weeks. Thanks for all the help and inspiration!
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