12 Minute Stovetop Quinoa Pasta Mac n Cheese for the kiddos

Recipe is for kids because there are many better recipes for adults that many kids won't touch (the baked kind). This recipe resembles Kraft Mac n Cheese, cooked on stovetop. Starch from the pasta water thickens the sauce. Quinoa elbow pasta used (in the turquoise box) because it is good for blood sugar control. In fact, it is too good. Recipe has two servings and 86 grams of carbs. I charge 60 grams instead of 80 for the whole two servings (she will eat the two servings) and find she may still drop after the second hour. Bolus after eating.

Quinoa Pasta Mac n Cheese

4 ounces elbow Quinoa or other pasta

1-1/2 cups water with half a chicken broth cube

1-1/2 to two cups shredded Cheddar cheese (I used 1 cup cheddar, 1/2 cup 50% reduced fat sharp Cheddar);

1/2 cup milk

2 tablespoons parmesean cheese

1 tablespoon butter or substitute

Weigh dry pasta. Cook with half chicken broth cube and 1-1/2 cups water for 8 minutes. Add half cup milk (I used 1 percent) and cook anothe five minutes on low heat (you must watch to see milk does not boil over). There must be liquid left in pot. Add cheeses, butter (used i can't believe) and stir until creamy. I will be adding less of the full fat cheese, more of the 50 percent next time to reduce fat content.