A gastric bypass question

If there is another place I should post this, I am sorry.

Is it true that IF you have type II diabetes before your surgery, afterwards, your diabetes is cured as in gone?

I am not understanding this, as they aren’t fixing your pancreas, it’s still damaged. But I can see that if you lose weight, that will only help. But with the reduction in food intake, I would think it would make your pancreas work harder to produce what it hasn’t produced before…

Please explain to me. Because if it is a “:cure” then why aren’t more diabetics opting for that route?

Ummm… I am not exactly sure how it works, and I don’t think scientists are exactly sure how it’s making Diabetes go into remission… but it has done some remission for some patients, and not for others. Of course, to me, remission means “I have to keep having a Diabetic diet, and exercise, or I’ll go back to where I was again…” Gastric Bypass is extremely dangerous, more often than not, it is not worth it… for the extreme low quality of life and complications that you get from it… and potential from death… And well, quite frankly, many people are simply not fat enough to have it. You need to have a BMI of more than 40%, and be a 100 lbs at least, over your ideal weight, etc… I would NEVER risk that operation. One of my dear, dear friends… her parents adopted, and fostered 13 kids… and she went and got it, and died on the operating table. Just like that. Left her kids without a mom. Others, their body is rejecting the operation, and the daily complications and continuous surgery to deal with them have become a new disability in and of itself. It’s not like it’s popping a pill, or a routine surgery… It is as dangerous as organ transplant surgery, and with even more deadly potential consequences AND absolutely no guarantee you will be cured, and will likely not be. Get into old habits, and it will come back again… And well, surgery doesn’t address the myriad of psychological issues that can cause a lot of people to overeat. Sadly, many of them get the weight right back.

Cathy- I posted a response on your other post/discussion. BLOG, that’s what it’s called. PHEW… it’s late. :slight_smile: . Hope it helps. :slight_smile:

Lizmari, I agree with you wholeheartedly. The woman I am concerned about is a dear friend, a sister type friend. But she is bound and determined that this is the ONLY way she can lose weight. She hasn’t cared for herself, or her diabetes at all, never takes her insulin, doesn’t want to know what her BG’s are …and now wants to be able to live through the surgery. I am afraid for her health and welfare. She has never been motivated enough to lose the weight on any other plan she has tried…she quits before she gets started…loves to eat what she wants when she wants. And she is over 100 lbs overweight, has passed all the hoops, etc. Her surgery is scheduled for next month, and I am the one terrified of losing a wonderful friend.
Please pray for her.

Oh, I will, Cathy… I wish some folks just… went to therapy for a while, before trying that surgery. Most overeating has to do with the ‘psychological hunger’ issues, and growing up replacing food with comfort, with love, with security… It has nothing to do with physical hunger… though having uncontrolled blood sugar can increase physical hunger. One of the things I also argue with folks: If you were not able to commit to a simple change in eating habits while your life was already on the line, how do you think you can commit to the rigorous regimen of a Gastric Bypass surgery diet? The tiny, tiny small amounts of foods, not being able to eat anything at all that you want… having to constantly spend tons and tons of money on protein supplement shakes, or your hair falls out… having to basically take all your food, in juice form, pretty much… or chewing it over 100 times… People just don’t think these things through… There’s a book by a lady, her name is Geneen Roth. “Breaking Free From Compulsive Eating,” which has helped me enormously in my life… and opened my eyes to understand how some things are not our fault, and some things need to be healed, and healed without food. Maybe she might take a look at it…

I’m so glad that she is well and happy. It’s a tough row to how at first, and some can do it and others are either physically ill or do come out okay. My friend I am afraid doesn’t stick to plans or programs, and since finding out she could have this surgery quit everything that had anything to do with diabetes and control…I don’t hold high success for her.

Amen, my friend, Amen!

John, sometimes it’s a hard decision to make and other times life makes that decision for us. I am, as I said, happy your sil made the best decision for her…weight, diabetes, etc can be major life changing diseases as we know. I have fought my weight for 57 years, and I know how hard it is to get it off, or even to get close to my goal weight. Alcoholics can live without booze, but we can’t live without eating…so it’s a tough call. But, again, glad she is well, healthy and getting on with life, even with the adjustments she has to make. Good for her!

If the surgery goes Well and if a Person is motivated and has self-discipline, it can work. .

I only know of one Lady that had the bypass surgery done in my area. After the surgery and weightloss this particular Lady left her Hubby and Son and looked for greener pastures. Unfortunately, she loved her food too much so now she’s in the same boat as before but without a devoted Hubby and only a part time Son.

Our Friend Debb from this community, also had the surgery. She lost a lot of weight and thankfully is doing Better.

Hope your friend will be ok & that the procedure helps her.

I know someone who considered this because of her weight. She doesn’t have diabetes. After learning more of the risks, she decided against it & joined OA.

Reducing food doesn’t make the pancreas work harder. It’s the opposite.

I read about this in “Diabetes Rising” by Dan Hurley. It’s not just a bypass surgery but they somehow reroute your digestive system in a way that has had a positive impact on the diabetes. I’m sorry I don’t remember the specifics