Hi all,
I’m the mother of a beautiful, active, social, smart, creative,… cranky, obstinate, rude, irresponsible, 15 (almost 16) year old. I’m stressed, worried, scared and feel helpless.
Anna was diagnosed with type 1 in 1999 at the age of six. She has typically done very well with her diabetes management, having been part of it right from the start (“let ME do it” – finger pricks; “shots don’t hurt”). She’s a pumper since 4th grade, though we took a “pump vacation” 2 summers ago (have used MiniMed and now Cozmo).
Her last 2 A1Cs have risen dramatically – she was 7.5 this time last year and is now 10.2. Though she tests throughout the day, typically 4-8 times depending on activities/eating/FORGETTFULNESS, her response to and concern about her numbers is less than commendable.
I try hard not to be a “control freak” (of course this is her name for me at the moment!), but am SO concerned about her wellbeing and hate to tie privileges/punishments to her diabetes!
She really doesn’t want to be a TEAM when it comes to her D management – and, while I do understand this from a teenager perspective, I’m also aware of the ramifications of her behaviors.
Anna has a great support network in her endocrinologist, diabetes nurse educators, camp counselors and camp friends (not to mention her non-D friends who love her to death and keep an eye out for “low” and “high” indicators). I know she doesn’t WANT to be unhealthy, but my husband’s suggestion to just wait it out and let her grow doesn’t give me much comfort.
Advice from other parents of Type 1 Teens and adult type 1s who’ve been through this stage are SO welcome!