A rollercoaster of emotions over glucose tabs!

So on my lunch break today I decided to walk across the parking lot to CVS to pick up some glucose tabs, you know… just in case.

Guess what I saw?


HOLY CRAP MAN!!! I was soooo excited to buy some and try one… seriously the excitement was … awesome.

I buy them and get into my car (because I didnt want to start a scene if I busted open the g.tabs in front of everyone…) and I pop one into my mouth…

wait for it…

They are rottenly discusting. The only good part is the after taste, which is the only part that actually tastes like butterscotch :frowning: I felt so… robbed. lol

just wanted to share!

edit: crisis averted… I exchanged the other 3 rolls for tropical fruit

Well in my mind I was thinking it would taste like the candies… sooooooo wrong.

epic fail.

I wonder if I can exchange the unopened mini rolls LOL

LOL, smiling here as well! Sorry
Am glad that am not into butterscotch am an apple or lemon taste guy!
I like taking AirHeads for lows it is 15grm each :slight_smile:

I tried something with Caramel (close to butterscotch I think) nips, Sugar free!!

You could always pick up some Werther’s Originals and use those to treat your lows with butterscotchery goodness!

Sorry Denise, but I couldnt help to laugh as I was imagining you eating one lol
Like Jason suggests, I eat Werther’s, I believe the caramel chews you can have 5 or 6 for 15 carbs? (i maybe slightly off) I love em :wink:

Well, I’m not surprised… if they were fabulous, it’d be hard to convince yourself you didn’t “need” one or two, you know, just because you wanted one :slight_smile:

I had to stop buying the watermelon ones from Walmart because of that… they were just too good. Now I only keep the two flavors around I can’t stand… grape and orange. Simply because when I really do NEED one, I couldn’t care less about the flavor, and I usually can’t taste it at that point anyways so it doesn’t really matter. But there’s no way I’d ever crave one!

Yes, I’ve tried those and they are disgusting!
My fave is the sour apple, although I cannot find them in the bulk size, only the tubes.

I hate the grape and orange ones. I’ll tolerate the grape, if I have to have one, but the orange makes me nauseous…the taste brings me back to those BD tablets that looked like big chalk squares. I don’t know if they still sell them, but they were used a lot by me as a kid and teen. So gross!!!

LOL…I prefer honey to glucose tabs!!!

i don’t know if i could trust glucose tabs… especially with this weird butterscotch flavor. Instead i choose dried fruit like this stuff

Oh Oh! I just bought some from wal-mart that is watermelon. The reli-on kind, I was told to get some when starting the pump and that is the kind I bought. I haven’t tried one yet though. LOL