About diabetes and some more! Yes! Sure!

A little of this and that and even some diabetes.

The sun is shining! Isn’t that terrific? for weeks it seemed that the sun had left us for good.
The big thing for the last two weeks has been having a cold for Johanna (my legal wife) and for me (her legal husband). LOL. Like to keep everything legal eh! That cold hangs on and it feels like it has to wear off over time. But NO FLU! Some good news anyway.
Took a shower this morn! The trouble with that is that it make you completely wet! All wet!
At least in the rain outside you can employ a umbrella. So I got in trouble with the "BOSS"
when I stepped in the shower with my trusted umbrella. She grabbed it right out of my hands. Violent she is, don’t you think? But then on the other side when I finished, there she was with a big bathtowel drying my back. That is all she is allowed to do! No sense making a woman excited eh? After that, we had a nice cuppa coffee with real grinded coffee beans.
If you don’t grind them you miss the boat! More water than coffee.

In the diabetes section ect. things have settled down a bit. I test about 5 times per day now. Used to do it 10 times per day. My fingers are turning black so the change. What I do do (2 do’s see!) To do or not to do…LOL. Todelo? Should set it to music. So , what I was doing now is that I use my thumpies on either side to stick the lancet in, One at the time. I never used them before but it bleeds better than my fingers. Often I have blood on my hands!
Why? Because it leaks longer! It took me by surprise! I would like a 2 months holiday from this meds business. Heck if I don’t deserve it, no-on does. Both my eyes have glaucoma but I hope to keep it in check with the drops. I will probably live! If not…it was nice knowing you all! Will I live after the end or beginning of the month?? That’s a good question right? Will see…

Still kicking JOHNBEN or JB. March 29 "11

JB - I do enjoy reading your posts. You have a great sense of humor. Does your BOSS appreciate your sense of humor also? Have a great day. It is sunny and sort of warm in my corner of the world. I’m glad to be done with winter for awhile.

Hey JB: :slight_smile:

You’ve got me laughing as usual. :smiley: You darn well make sure that you stay around for quite some time. Ya, lots of Diabetics want some time off of this disease. We’ll see.

HA! I’m Glad that everything is legal at your place. Same here. The tax man won’t be hauling us in either. It sounds like Johanna needs a hobby instead of stealing your umbrella all the time.

Hey, did you get your cataract surgeries done? If so, I’m sure that you’re seeing things a lot brighter now. I hope that it went Well.

Ya, it’s sunny here in the Capital also. Looks like spring! Very healing. Have a Wonderful time on your trip JB. :slight_smile:

It’s definitely spring. My basal has gone down 2 units. Same as last spring. Same as the spring before.

Hi Varena. Your flowering cactus is beautiful. I’m so ready for spring, it’s 28F right now at 7:15 AM. I think a tropical sun all year would be more than I’d like, but I’m sure ready for some warm sunshine now. Have a good day.

Hi Johnben. I’ve been reading about your preparations for your trip; best wishes for a wonderful time for both you and Johanna. You get to fish and participate in a study all at once! Lots of tropical sun, too.