Good morning, good afternoon, good evening wherever you are!
Just a few things to tell about! Today here in Canada- west it is Sunday, not only that it is indeed a sunny day. Still the wind is cold for the time being. I noticed that my article “The right to die.” was first moved and now I see it has returned on here. Blessed be the person in charge of moving around! Blessed you be Sir and thank you!
I hope my red spots on my feet are safe here! Wonder if anyone else has that and if it is particular to diabetics? My doctor hasn’t got a clue! What are they called? Probably just red spots or in doctor’s language Redoniadeskinpathy. Sounds good to me, to you also? Well the other thing I like you to know, but only if you are interested of course, otherwise just stop reading at this moment…LOL
The other thingy is that I was hunted into was the shower like it happens twice a week, I really don’t dirty that soon. Johanna my boss is now watching me that I don’t take that umbrella with me, like this morn, she pulled it out of my hands just at the time I entered the shower. Women!!!
The diabetes, now that is a horse of a different feather! Last night, going to bed, I tested 12.3 or 221.
Me no like at all! So took one unit Humalog and 3 units Lantus and at 3Am was 5.2 or 94. Getting up at 7Am I was 4.1 or 74 depending on where you live. Sometimes I feel like taking a holiday, just go away and don’t bring needles insulin, testers, catheter and the like, just for 2 weeks. The trouble is that my holiday could than be extended to for ever, I have been told that is not to be recommended.
So you see, I have my troubles just like you all but it still keeps me alive. In a few days I will turn 79 years young on the 27th I believe! I hope I make it. In fact I insist on making age 80. After that, oh well whatever happens eh? Next year 50 years to have this lovely diabetes. I feel like it is becoming a habit!
Greeting to all of you!