Diabetic red spots and much more!

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening wherever you are!

Just a few things to tell about! Today here in Canada- west it is Sunday, not only that it is indeed a sunny day. Still the wind is cold for the time being. I noticed that my article “The right to die.” was first moved and now I see it has returned on here. Blessed be the person in charge of moving around! Blessed you be Sir and thank you!

I hope my red spots on my feet are safe here! Wonder if anyone else has that and if it is particular to diabetics? My doctor hasn’t got a clue! What are they called? Probably just red spots or in doctor’s language Redoniadeskinpathy. Sounds good to me, to you also? Well the other thing I like you to know, but only if you are interested of course, otherwise just stop reading at this moment…LOL
The other thingy is that I was hunted into was the shower like it happens twice a week, I really don’t dirty that soon. Johanna my boss is now watching me that I don’t take that umbrella with me, like this morn, she pulled it out of my hands just at the time I entered the shower. Women!!!

The diabetes, now that is a horse of a different feather! Last night, going to bed, I tested 12.3 or 221.
Me no like at all! So took one unit Humalog and 3 units Lantus and at 3Am was 5.2 or 94. Getting up at 7Am I was 4.1 or 74 depending on where you live. Sometimes I feel like taking a holiday, just go away and don’t bring needles insulin, testers, catheter and the like, just for 2 weeks. The trouble is that my holiday could than be extended to for ever, I have been told that is not to be recommended.
So you see, I have my troubles just like you all but it still keeps me alive. In a few days I will turn 79 years young on the 27th I believe! I hope I make it. In fact I insist on making age 80. After that, oh well whatever happens eh? Next year 50 years to have this lovely diabetes. I feel like it is becoming a habit!

Greeting to all of you!

Have you been a type 1 for that long?Wow that is a long time.I prefer to call diabetes a “condition”.A disease is something you can contract from somebody or something.I am also from Canada.Ontario to be exact.

Dear JohnBen You have given me some laughter and I am so glad you shared your thoughts today. I am almost at 50 years but it will come a little later than yours. Showering is such a problem isn’t it? I never thought of using the umbrella but I am sure my boss would remove it from my hands just like your boss did.
remember that smiling and laughing are the only way to keep warm up in the northern regoins of this continent.
Thanks for the cheer Karen t1 since 1964

I hope I am complaining of red spots on my feet at 49 years diagnosed. Your evening adventure with your numbers sounds similar to many of mine. Continual roller coaster. Hope you enjoyed your sunny day.

i have red spots on my feet too! …they are painless and look almost like burns or birthmarks… but my doctor isn’t worried about them so hopefully they are nothing serious. you seem to have excellent control, great job! I hope to have great health and longevity like you


Not sure about those spots of yours but I like to read your post:) they make me smile and laugh! You have an awesome sense of humor along with a lot of wisdom. Take care and thanks for sharing.
