Air Bubbles Oh My!

Hi everyone, I would love to get some input here on experiences with air bubbles in the pump tubing. This has become an ongoing issue. I don’t use the insulin when it’s cold or past expiration, I fill the tube up as directed and Ive even tried wearing the pump upside down as rumor has it that helps! ( This was until I slept that night and the pump ended up all over the bed as usual) haha. The problem I now can’t seem to conquer is air filling up right at the connector needle where you clip the tube to the infusion site. Most times when I disconnect air fills up in this area. I would love to hear tips from all different types of pump users! I have a Medtronic pump BTW. :slight_smile:

I have no idea but hope someone else can help you

Call your nurse educator or trainer or endo or Medtronic
Nice to meet you

I’ve tried, they all give me the same response but none the less the air bubbles prevail. They are like little sneak attack air bubble missiles. Lol

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i cna only speak for myself and no one else. But using a quickset set allows the air to escape at the site of the connection. I never worry about it and have never once had an issue. Perhaps there are other experiences. i do suggest that you post this item up in the discussion area, it will get far more comments in that area and those comments will have varied experiences to relate. I have only used a quickset.

good luck..................rick

Thanks Rick. What exactly is a quick set and does it go with a Medtronic pump?

Ahh it just hit me what the quickset is. Unfortunately that one put me in the hospital the first time I used it. I have too much muscle mass and scar tissue to use that one without it bending after insertion. I’ll post my question on there at some point I really appreciate your help.

I believe, and I may be really wrong here, that all medtronic sets vent air during use. You might ask medtronic to see if the set you are using vents, but I think they all do. When you post on the discussion board be sure and post the the name of the set you are using. That will focus discussion..............rick

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One thing I've noticed with the Minimed is the place where the reservoir screws into the tubing. Make sure there isn't any gap between the white top of the reservoir and the set. If you see any gap, just unscrew it, rotate it and screw it back in.
They did have a warning recently on the Silhouette sets about a possible break occuring where the tubing starts right after the reservoir connection. This might also apply to the quicksets.

I have not had trouble with any significant bubbles in tubing or reservoir. (MM, use Quicksets & have used Sofsets (my favorite but not sure they still make them)
I just am careful with banging out the bubbles in the reservoir first. Then, after attaching the tubing, I hold the reservoir vertical with tube end up and pull back to get air in the very top part, make sure I have banged all the bubbles out with whatever is handy. Then, holding reservoir very vertical, I gently push the top bubble up into the tubing and the push until there are a few inches of insulin in the tubing. Then insert reservoir in pump and go thru the process of filling the tube and so on. Because I got all the bubbles out of the reservoir and first inches of tubing, it is good. Now,there are always a few tiny bubbles that are present at the tail end of the insulin in the reservoir but they are no problem.

i also liked SOF SET better but thy are discontinued
why i don't know

I use quickset, but what I learned about air bubbles is what I do. When I fill my resorvoir, I take the plunger down and leave a air gap on top, and let it sit for about 15 minutes, then remove the gap, flick at it again, do the air gap for about 5. then poof I don't get air bubbles. the other thing to remember is that temperature causes bubbles.if you have your pump in a changing temp, it will expand and contract, and poof you have air bubbles.

@Elyssia Have you had any better luck as a result of any of the suggestions so far?

I'm not sure why you created this as a blog entry. The topic seems much better suited as either a forum or group "discussion", no?


Thanks guys I apologize for not mentioning I wear a sure T. It’s a needle based set and it’s wonderful. I work out extremely hard so this is the one set I’ve found where the tubing can’t bend. :wink: I don’t actually have trouble with any air bubbles in the resovior as I beat them out but the very tip end of the tube gets bubbles when I disconnect. This week I haven’t had problems because I became very discouraged and started praying each time I insert a new site that there be no air bubbles. This has worked and had been quite theraputic for me as well. I give God all the glory. He is my healer.

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