Animas Access Program

I just wanted to pass on some info I found out today ... I apologize if it's been passed on already.

Animas is currently but for a limited time offering an “access program” … non ping users can trade in their current pump plus about $200 for a recertified ping. Unfortunately if you’re covered by Medicare or Medicaid are not eligible. If anyone is thinking of switching but are currently under warranty with their current pump, this could be a good opportunity. I’ve attached the flyer I got from my area rep … I hope it can be viewed.

I tried to attach the flyer again …
7484-AnimasAccessFlyer.pdf (298 KB)

They are re-offering the program again until 08/25/2010. The pump is supplied through CCS Medical (1-800-726-9811) or Edgepark (1-800-321-9591).

Thank you so much Sarah! I did not know about this … I will passing it along to the ACT1 community members!

No problem. I called this morning to see if I can “get the ball rolling” for myself. Seems like an awesome program!

I am a Ping user and I just wanted to say if anyone was thinking about this to do it! I LOVE my Ping!

I have the ping. I switched from mini med to the ping. But they didnt tell me it only holds 200 units of insulin. So keep that in mind.

Just the person I was looking for! I was curious what someone thought of the Ping that had been using Minimed. I’m on the Paradigm right now, hate the fact you only have 30 minute chunks of times for extended boluses, it’s not waterproof, and other little things… But I’ve heard (granted, it was from a Medtronic rep) that Animas uses complain about having to press a lot of buttons to do things. Is this true? And another question… how long do you keep your infusion set in? I’ve been going 5 days without changing the site and have had no problems. But I was told by Medtronic the cartridge degrades after 3 days, which I find to be BS… Curious if anyone else that’s reading this has had problems with the cartridge (if they leave in longer than 3 days). Thanks for your input!