After reading your post I found out yesterday I need to have my ping replaced. After 14 months of use it started loosing information when I would change the battery.
Overall I have been happy with my Ping.
After reading your post I found out yesterday I need to have my ping replaced. After 14 months of use it started loosing information when I would change the battery.
Overall I have been happy with my Ping.
Weel good. I am happy to read that and happy for you. Take care!
If I were you I would surely go back to shots. If the pump doesn't improve your quality of life (and it sure sounds like it doesn't for you) and you can manage your blood sugar well enough on shots, why make yourself miserable?
I know and I have. But six shots a day is no less than horrible.
My thoughts as well.
When my sugar soars, I don't rely on the pump and infusion set, I take a shot. Every time that has happened, it's been an infusion set problem. When it appears that I have great adhesion and it should work, I'll be stubborn after I take a shot by leaving it on, and then monitor. If my sugar goes back up (and it has every time), I rip the infusion set off and find that it has slipped and pulled out.
As much as I love the Deltec Cozmo, I never had a problem with the two MiniMeds. I switched to the Deltec because of features, and not because of any MiniMed problems. So I have had four pumps, and only had problems with one, the Ping. Hence my considering the MiniMed and the AccuChek (and leaning toward the MiniMed given my previous history) as my next pump. If I had a failure with every pump but one, I would give up on all pumps.
Ahh. I have depnded upon any of the pumps to lower my bGs - until this past year. Yes, when contacting technical supposrt and going through so many variables, the problems have more often than not been the infusion set tubing and/or the cartridge. I've been told to send back the used ones time and time again, replaced by others that do not stand up well. It's a viscious cycle.
At this time, the endocrinologist I see is in the process of assisting me to get a MiniMed. First, I need to breach the Animas contract.
As of yesterday, I had a fasting blood procedure for C-peptides, proving I am diabetic. This was requested by MiniMed.
So, we'll see what 2013 brings. Being in a constant high is horrible in more ways than one!
A c-peptide usually isn't used to "prove you are diabetic" - an A1C is what's used for that. A c-peptide merely shows how much insulin you are still producing which is one of the factors that can help determine type. Maybe that is what MiniMed is looking to do - clarify you are type 1. I thought MiniMed was one of the pumps you hated. Do you know the definition of insanity? (Doing the same thing and expecting different results). I think that you are right that your problems are more with sets and cartridges. If I were you I would work with a trainer and your endo to see what is causing that pervasive problem that doesn't seem limited to any particular pump and attempt to fix that problem whatever it is.
I tried to edit and add to my above thoughts and it got wiped out!
...and if the problem ends up being (as some people have suggested) that you have too much scar tissue, perhaps you may have to go back to shots. Your blurb above must originally have been written for non-diabetics because it refers to "having to take six shots a day" like it is something extreme. It isn't. MDI is how many many diabetics manage their D. And pens are a lot easier than the syringe and vial you probably used before. You can be sitting at a table with friends and inject in 10 seconds beneath the table with nobody even knowing. If you were back on shots now perhaps you wouldn't "be in a constant high". To be honest, A.K, you sound to me to be stuck in a rut of blaming one pump after another and being angry instead of dealing with the fact that you may be unable to use a pump. (or at least exploring if that is the case). I suggest doing that and getting on with the rest of your life. Being pissed off and spinning your wheels is not a fun way to live. If you need to talk with someone to get unstuck then that would be a good idea too.
Thank you. But you're not getting the whole gist. You making matters worse with your commentary. I am not going to defend myself to you. Your negativity is useless.
That's entirely your choice. But since you sound so frustrated I just thought I'd propose a different way to look at things and possible solutions. That's less negative than staying stuck, frustrated and angry!