I lost all my graphics but Missy here's a {{{hug}} from me!
Hey, Missy! We are all in your corner. You are always on my mind and I wish you an easy surgery and a rapid resolution. Always remember that you are loved by a great many people.
That's so cute! Adorable.
Missy , please accept my virtual hug and hug from our pets ...I know you love Rotties too .
Nothing like a bug Rottie hug!
You're going to be feeling great for the new year, I know. So Happy 2011! Best wishes for before and after January 1.
Big Warm Hugs for Missy and Best Wishes for a Successful Surgery and Recovery.
Oh Sweet Missy....BIGGEST HUG TO YOU!! xo Robyn
I haven’t met you Missy but it sounds you are a fighter. Hugs and prayers!
many many prayers for you missy.....
I haven’t met you, but Kata and Sammy say it all! Best wishes for a healthy recovery!
Natalie Sera ._c-
Best wishes and prayers from me to you Missy.
Oh hugs and prayers, Missy.
Hana hou Missy. You can do it. You are my hoapili well more of a kaikaina. I wish you pomaika'i. E pili mau na pomaika`i ia `oe Missy.
Hey Missy! Dont worry, everythings gonna be fine! (((hugs)))
Sending hugs your way Missy and I will keep you in my prayers!