Another Newbe

I was diagnosed two weeks ago and am overwhelmed trying to understand how to eat and live. I have registered for an education class at the local hostpital, but there is a waiting list. I just don’t really know where to start. I lost both parrents in the last two years. In both cases diabetes played a role. Scared is a major understatement! I live in central NJ. If anyone can recomend any resources I would be thankful.

There is a lot of information out there and I realize the volume and diversity of it can make it difficult for a newly diagnosed diabetic to even decide where to begin sifting through it all. But what it comes down to is actually quite simple, although it is by no means easy.

You need to start living very healthy. Your diet should consist of adequate amounts of lean protein, carbohydrate restriction, and lots of vegetables. Fruits are good too, but they can wreak havoc on your blood glucose levels. Berries tend to have lower amounts of sugar and higher amounts of fiber (and antioxidants in some cases). The most difficult part of eating as a diabetic comes at the beginning- you need to observe how different foods affect your own blood sugar and create a healthy diet tailored to your own physiology. This will take time and much trial and error.

Exercise will be one of your best weapons against diabetes. It increases insulin sensitivity, reduces the amount of insulin your body needs, and if performed on a regular basis will act as a constant downward push on your blood glucose. I personally do not believe you can successfully manage diabetes without exercise.

Test your blood sugar often. I hate to sound like Wilford Brimley here but the more you test, the more in control of your diabetes you will be and this leads to much better peace of mind. If you abandon testing, you might gain a mote of convenience in return for tons of stress and worry. Test often. Get a CGMS if you need to.

I know it is a frightening diagnosis, and although I am a Type 1 and your diagnosis is somewhat different, the ways we treat the condition are very similar and in many cases identical.

Good luck. Don’t take this lightly but don’t let it discourage you from doing what you need to do, either.

Hello, Phillip, welcome to TuDiabetes. This is a wonderful place for you to be. I hope you spend some time participating in new discussions and surfing around the old ones. Any questions, comments, or emotional venting is allowed here! We are a big family and we care for each other. I know one very active member who lives in Plainfield, I think that’s a lot closer to you than me(I’m in Sussex co.) - Tmana - she’s also type 2. Unfortunately for you, she’s on vacation this week. but I’d check out her page and give a comment.

Hey, thanks guys for responding. I have a feeling I will be spending allot of time here.

Hi Phillip,
I want to welcome you to our big wonderful family. The beginning of anything can always be a scary process . So if I might give just a bit of adive here is the best thing I can say. Sit back and take a deep breath. You are part of us now and that you will come to find is a very good thing to be. We will all help out. a suggestion would be to get a notebook or something to write down what you eat and what your blood sugar readings are throughout the day. After just a couple of days you will see what foods send your blood sugar higher and what helps keep it down. By keeping track it is easier to plan on foods to add or get rid of. When people tell you to watch carbs, it means foods with high natural or added sugars. Natural sugars are like in potatoes, rice and starchs like that. These you will want to avoid or keep to a bare minimum. If you are going to eat bread, you will want to eat whole grains. More fiber usually means fewer carbs on the whole. Remember each person’t body is different and none of us is alike. So what I can eat and what you can eat are going to be a little different depending on the person. There will be books and guidelines you can follow, but simple advice is a really good starting place for now and you have gotten some excellent advice up above. Another good way to help you keep blood sugars in check is to let go of some of your fear. This is stress and you don’t need to keep it. You are with us now and we will help. Any questions, ask. Any thoughts, let us know. Here we help each other and there will always be someone who can answer just about anything you need. Exercise, as oneless said is essential. and Marie is great to have in your corner. You have already made a giant step forward. We are here for you Phillip. Welcome home.

Thank you all so much!

Hi Philip

Gretchen Becker (a TuD member) wrote a guide book to your first year of living with Type 2.

Hope it helps!