Any suggestions?

Does anyone know a way to keep tubing from catching on doors and generally misbehaving (it also looks kind of weird sticking out of your clothes too) ??

Tuck it into your underwear, preferably on the hip and just have enough outside to reach the pump.

If I am wearing the pump on my pants, I will sometimes tape the excess tubing up higher on my body so there isn’t so much excess typing to hang out.

I’ve gotten in the habit of wearing untucked shirts, so whatever tubing is sticking out is usually covered. I’ve had very few encounters with doorknobs. As for extra tubing misbehaving and looking weird? Yeah ,sometimes it does that, but I have become convinced that the only one who ever really notices it is me – no one else even sees it, or cares if they do.

Don’t know what pump you’re using but there’s usually some choice of tubing length, so that’s worth looking into. Some makers only offer two lengths: too long and too short. Medtronic has a middle length that works best for me. I find the long ones tend to go spooling out and grabbing doorknobs and such no matter what I do.

I don’t know how long you’ve been using a pump but the question suggests it’s a relatively recent thing. I find that over time my brain has adapted and taken account of its presence in body awareness and muscle memory, so avoiding snags, pull-outs due to clothing removal etc. becomes a lot more automatic, less something I have to think about consciously. Though it still happens of course.


Thanks for the ideas.

I’ve had a pump for more than 10 years but wear it differently at times.At one time in my bra, (no longer) in pockets sometimes or in a tummy belt. (underwear would just not work) Have been trying it in a case on my belt. My pump is Medtronic 640 with the shortest (I think) tubing**. I JUST got the 640 and it’s more awkward than the paradigm for my size. my tubing is 23 inches - is there shorter?? I think I could take shorter if it exists.
Untucked shirts is good, tape would make rashes but…:slight_smile:

Yes, go with a tubeless pump. :stuck_out_tongue:

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haha! you’re right - this is a futile question. and really not important!

I have the T:Slim G4 and I wear it on my jeans belt loop. I only use the 23" tubing. I tuck the extra tubing into my waist of my jeans

I tend to wear tighter fitting undershirts/tank tops, which keeps the holds the tubing in pretty securely. I do wear the pump on my bra, so the tubing is around my torso area so this works for me. I also use the TSlim G4 pump with the shorter tubing. It seemed like a lot of extra tubing before I got pregnant, but now at 28 weeks I’m glad for the extra length lol

Could try wrapping it around the pump a couple times (as long as it’s not kinking and cutting off insulin delivery) if you have a clip on the back to hold the tubing in place? Mine has gotten twisted around a couple of times, and it definitely eats some of the slack :slight_smile:

I’ve been pumping for a long while and have always used the longest length possible. I just stuff into into my pants. I get the longer tube because I find when I get hooked on the cabinet handle or door knob, the extra length gives me time to stop before it gets pulled out. I think in all these years, I’ve had 2 or 3 pulled out due to those dreaded, grabby door knobs and handles. And of course tubeless is also an option but never found the tube to be a problem.

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I use the longest tubing and I find the same as far as getting caught goes. Usually I feel a tug as the tubing starts to get pulled out or unwound, but have enough time to stop and untangle myself before anything gets pulled too hard. I also keep the tubing stuffed into my pants or pocket and haven’t found it gets caught too often (like you, maybe pulled out twice in ten years of pumping).

As noted before, always remember to watch for grabby things, lol. Sometimes things actually do grab as I noted in a similar thread how my greyhound with very long noses often interested when I’m getting dressed and has run off while nose is tangled. In loop. Not a good way to start a morning.

I use the longest tubing and just tuck the extra in my pants. I used to use a shorter length and found that caused me more issues with where to place the infusion set.

I had to do the Goldilocks test on infusion set tubing length. I’m 6’3"-- so 23" length was too short. They sent me half 32" and half 40" to try out. 40" was too long, but 32" was JUST right!

I’ve only popped one infusion set off with a doorknob in three years. The kitty attacked my tubing once, too, but Astrophe could not do anything to my tubing no matter how hard she chewed or clawed.


Heh - My cat likes to play with used tubing - he has even pulled one out of a garbage can to play with - but so far, he seems to 'respect" tubing that’s actually attached to me. It’s his personality: He lives his life by a whole bunch of self-assigned rules. Thankfully, this is one of them!

so many good ideas! Thanks a lot :smiley: I’ll be trying some of them. Longer tubing might be one of those. Not a bad idea. A lot of this comes from finding the right place for my new pump that seems so much bigger and cumbersome. I like it though. I wish I could get the sensors. In France, we have to pay for them. I’m financing the Free Style Libre which is cheaper than the Medtronic sensors.
Thanks again!

Congratulations for your pregnancy and thanks for the advice.

I use the OmniPod, so I’m not used to living with the tubing. Pardon me if this is a stupid question, but is the tubing just that. Can you cut it with scissors to the length you want/need or is there something special on each end of the tube that makes this impossible? Just wondering …

One end of the tubing has a Luer Lock or proprietary connection that attaches to the pump cartridge. The other end has a piece that snaps into the infusion set (the needle or cannula that stays under the skin). So you can’t just cut it or it would be useless.