New to tubed pumping....ideas for securing the pump?

Hello All,

I've been on the Omnipod for 2 years (and T1D for 2 years, officially). With much reluctance, I'm switching to the t:slim. I haaaaaate the idea of tubing. Passionately. And I don't know other than sticking it in my bra or pockets how to secure the pump for the various life activities. I have a smaller frame (so bulky stands out), I'm single (so more self conscious about the pump), and I'm active.

What sort of accessories/tricks do you have for securing the pump? I heard there might be camisoles with pump holders, garter belts for pump holders (I like to use my legs, arms, and breast for sites). What about if you are sleeping? Exercising?

Thanks, everyone!!

Oh, and do you actually take your pump out of your bra when you bolus in public? I'm not sure how this will go for work events or places where I want to be more discrete. I miss the Omnipod for that...

I've been "tubing" for about 8 years now. I have found a few things that work quite well (and like you I'm small) If you are wearing skirts/pants and you don't want to have it clipped to your waistband try this. I used to buy a bandeau bra (about $25 at Nordies) that was too small to wear as a bra. I wore it around my waist and stuck the pump in there. Easy access. Now there are waist band garments for pumps. I think I found them at either PumpWear or Fifty/ They come in colors and there's even a cool zebra print one so it it shows under a short top, it doesn't look like your underwear is showing. I have also found a wonderful pump camisole (at - aka the diabetes mall, John Walsh's website). The cami has a pocket in between "the girls" and the pump nestles in there. It is quite discrete. You do have to reach in to access your pump, but it is worth it to be to be able to wear dresses. I've used the waist things with a form fitting dress and friends thought I had left the pump at home! And that's the point, isn't it.

Oh awesome! Thanks, art woman!

Lots of discussions on our pump resources page

for suggestions on how to wear it (w tight clothes, swimsuits, sleeping etc)

personally I always wear it out, on a clip case.
You'll be surprised at how quickly you get used to it.

Thanks, Marie, for the link and the comforting comment :-)

Marie B is right, you get used to it really quickly. I've never had the tubing get stuck on a doorknob or the like. My ideas (above) were so I could wear dresses - no waistbands there.

I know men’s clothing is different, but I have always placed the pump in my pocket. I cut a small opening in the upper part of the pocket to slide the tubing through. Out of sight, easy access and no issues with tubing getting caught on things.

Welcome to tube pumping! It’s not nearly as bad as your imagining it to be. Once you get used to the transition from the omnipod to tube pumping you’ll do just fine.

As for how I wear it, I simply put it in my pocket. I used to have a clip that I wore on my side, but it broke and I didn’t bother to get a new one.

I agree, too, about getting used to it. I found the tubing annoying for about a week after I started pumping. Then I just forgot about it. I usually wear my pump clipped to my waistband (when I have no pockets) or pockets, both for everyday and work and when I'm exercising. When I'm sleeping, I clip it to the front of my PJs, since I never sleep on my stomach, and that stops me from rolling on it in the middle of the night. I occasionally wear my pump in my bra when I'm at home, but I feel like this makes me look lumpy and makes it more noticeable than when it's just clipped to my pocket. Most people think it's a cell phone or MP3 player, the only person I've had ask if it's a pump was someone who used an insulin pump as well.

My favorite sounds similar to what artwoman described - a band that goes around your waist. has them in a kazillion colors, made to measure for you.

Most of the time, though, I just stick it in my pocket. No one's ever commented. You WILL get used to it, no biggie ;)

Yeah, you guys have it a lot easier - in my mind - when it comes to wearing the pump. The waistband on most men's pants is sturdier and the pockets are deeper and can carry more stuff (don't get me started on the difference between women's and men's cargo pants - I needed them for work and finally settled for boys. The women's pockets on cargo can hold a lipstick - ooo I got started ...)

Like most, I usually wear it clipped to the waistband of my jeans - good old denim!. But since us girls do like to wear dresses, that's where I had to be creative. And like another poster said, the only person I've run into who knew it was a pump was wearing one himself. That's how we became friends.

Good! Thanks, Jrtpup!

thanks, James!

LOL! cute story art woman!

Thanks, jim!

thanks, Jen!

My answer is really simple and discreet: Pockets. I never buy a pair of jeans, trousers, even sweats without a pocket. Overnight I wear a cotton sports bra and tuck the pump in. I do this specifically so the CGM vibration will wake me up every time.

The problems I have had with accessories follow: having to reach within my bra/camisole while having lunch with a senior VP (unexpected lunch and a long pocket less dress with no where to hide the pump) a garter thing that unattached (after 10 hours) while I was dancing with my son at his elastic belt where I attached the pump under clothes and looked like I had a goiter...the list of atrocities to my social/work life could go on and on.

The most discreet place I have ever found is a pocket.