Anybody havin pets?

Pets are really gud companions to relieve stress, what abt u ppl ru havin one…pls share its name

Addie, a 15 year old Cocker Spaniel. She is the fun of my life. i love teasing her, she is like the sister / daughter I never had. Oh but she does tell my wife on me and sometiesm she does nto tell the truth. LOL


My “three girl’s” are named Candi, Dixie, and Penny. Candi is my laid back lab mix. Dixie is my very stubborn beagle. and, Penny is my fun loving and playful golden retriever mix. They are rescue dogs.

i have 5 dogs lol

Yogi - husky
BooBoo- husky
Pokie- shih tzu
Gumby- German Shepard/hound mix
Kiyoshi- shiba inu

I have a Yorkie named Taffy and she is the love of my life! People think little dogs are calm and boring but she is the total opposite. She acts wild and has a huge personality, there’s never a dull moment with her.

We have 2 wonderful cats that every part of our family.

  1. Angel - female Mixed Norwegian Forest (brown/white), age is 10 years old and got her from Feral Friends

  2. Precious - Domestic Shorthair (solid grey), age is 4 years old and got her from the Dallas ASPCA

We got cats due to their indepedence but these 2 have proved that wrong. They are solely dependent on us and are totally lap cats. We can not live without them.

looks like its part of ur family :slight_smile:

u got a pretty big family :slight_smile: enjoy BTW i ve a boxer 3 yrs. Its name is chewie :slight_smile:

ya fishes are gud choice if u dont like dogs r cats :wink:

Dogs show their character with only right ppl means ppl they like tats y some ppl think they r borin…if we r havin dull movement they will cheer us :slight_smile:

This is the first time im hearin about cats bein so much dependent…gud bondin :slight_smile:

GIo! He’s a little over 4 month old black lab and he’s my angel! I love him!
7679-0108091932d.jpg (45.8 KB)

Gr8, did u train ur dogs??

This is our cat Malakai, he is the kid in the family and most times acts like a dog, he plays fetch. He has this unique personality, he loves to go thru the shopping bags when we bring them in, he thinks there is something in one of them for him, so I try to buy him some little toy. He is part of our family and would do anything to keep him safe.


I LOVE YOUR PUPPY. Kiss, kiss, kiss. You know, I’m low on puppy kisses. I can’t get any of that loving from fish!! I have 5 Betta fighting fish. Yup! I’m the nut job running a little contest to name my twin additions to my family. Actually, they are really kind of funny to watch. Hilarious at times when they see themselves in their mirrors and try to attack that image! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!

I wish I could get that picture enlarged … it’s so darmned CUTE!! Do you know if I can? I’m not a computer whiz, but I bet it can be done. I’d like to print that little bugger out and stare at it when I get down.

Lois La Rose
Milwaukee, WI

I have…
3 rabbits

Malibu- Daddy about 8 years old
Stoli - Mommy about 3 years old
Skyy- Baby will be 1 this july 11th

1 cat Hennessey
he is my lover… actually he loves my boyfriend more…

I think I understand your question …oh my brain works the old fashioned way …please spell , since I have to transslate from Dutch to English in my brain …patience with this old gal …Our Rottie’s name is PENNY …we are " home hosting her from the SPCA /Canada " 24/7 …so it appears she lives with us FULL TIME and we love it :slight_smile: …so does she !!..she has lost over 9 pounds since here …obese to start , now the skin is getting flabby …ready for a " tummy tuck " , ha ,ha ??

We have a fuzzy black dwarf mini/rex Bunny named Ninji. My Hubby bought it for our Daughter about 6 mths. after our doggie Captain died. When our Daughter moved out, I somehow ended up with a fuzzy black Bunny.
So I look after Ninji and our Daughter pays for her stuff. Oh Well, Good Pets are an Excellent therapy. If I end up with GrandKids, we’ll spoil them BUT she better take them home with her afterwards. :slight_smile:

No, by “rescue dogs” I mean they came from the animal shelter.

I have 2 dogs
Faith Panda a 7 year old Border collie mix
Wincherter 3 years old a Dougue De Bordeaux ( french mastiff ) a 108 pound sisified lap dog.
go to my profile for pix