Anyone use Glooko?

I just learned of this product, called Glooko, and I really like the idea of it. My endo's been harassing me to keep a log for AGES, and this may be the only way I'll actually do it.

You download the Glooko app to a smartphone for free, and then purchase the cable ($39.99) that connects it to your glucometer. It uploads and organizes your blood test info, charts and graphs and such, and also has a program to look up caloric content in foods, etc.

Anyone have a review of this? I'm interested, but would love a consumer report before investing :)

According to their website, the Glooko Logbook app and the Glooko MeterSync Cable are only compatible with the iPhone (4S, 4, 3GS) and iPod touch (4th and 3rd generation), and iPad (in 2x mode). As for Android, we are currently working on it, but cannot commit to a date at this time. The Omnipod is not supported so since I have an Android phone AND OmniPod, I won't be using it. It's a shame because it seems like a perfect app!

I've used a FREE app called OnTrack on my Android phone for more than a year now.

I have to enter my BG readings by hand, but the interface is really easy to use so it's quick. It has plenty of useful graphs and reports. Can even export the complete log as a CSV. Impressed the hell out of my GP that I could show her a graph of my BG readings and daily averages with a couple of clicks.

You can find out more info here:

I would look into buying a generic cable from china on ebay Emily if possible.. $40 for a ipod to 3.5 jack is ridiculous.

If it is just what it looks like you could pick one up online for $3 delivered.

Plenty of satisfied customers here..

I have been using glooko for a month now and i love it. It the easiest way to upload data i've ever tried. The only issue is that the app is very limited, it doesnt graph the data in any way. Im working on an app to graph the glooko data. Let me know if you would like to try it out.

I have been using the Abbott co-pilot program and wondering about the Glooko too. I got a cheapo cable for my cheapo relion prime meter, but it didn't work, so I am loading this info in manually.

Can anyone compare the difference between Glooko and Co-pilot? Seems like I'm reading that Glooko's info isn't too great compared to others, but I'm not sure what others they mean.