April blog topic: Truths and Lies

April's blog topic is the game Truths and Lies!

Have you ever played it? You tell 3 true things about yourself and 1 lie, and the other players try to guess which is the lie. Obviously, you try to make it hard to guess. Come up with something really outlandish but TRUE, to throw people off the scent.

Let's play it! Share 3 true things and one lie relating to you and your diabetes experience, and let's see if we can guess which is which. It's a great time to dig into your funny, unbelievable, weird and ridiculous experiences! You can post them in the discussion below or in a blog (then post the link to your blog below).

I'll start us off in the discussion below...

1. For a brief period while I was a teenager my best friend would pretend to do an injection every time I did, so I wouldn't feel so "different".

2. About 25 years ago I attended a summer camp for kids with diabetes, and the week before camp started there was a sewage overflow in the area. Two days into camp we all got some kind of poisoning from it. Imagine 100 young kids with diabetes sitting on the ground with 100 buckets... Good times. That's the last diabetes camp I ever attended.

3. Once a server in a restaurant where I was having lunch noticed me putting a couple sugar packets into my purse (I had run out of glucotabs), loudly accused me of stealing and threw me out.

4. I once had the great honor of having a specialist from the CDC called in to take a look at an infection I got after dropping a plate on my foot. Imagine, I drop a plate and the next thing I know I'm on the CDC's radar!

One of these is NOT true! Can you guess which?

I’m thinking 3 or 4 but I’m going with my gut and I’m guessing 3 is false! :))

Me too. #3!!

Nope! ;)

Then it’s 2! I don’t know that one sounds a little suspicious lol!! And really!! Can’t believe that happened to you sorry that must of been a horrible experience

O.K., Truth or Lies. Once when I was low:

1. Not long after my diagnosis, my husband and I met some friends (including my CDE) for dinner. I felt weird when we got to the parking lot, tested, was low. I didn't know what to do, we just sat there in the car, sat and sat. Finally my husband, Should we go home? I said, No. We went in and my CDE said, Order orange juice quickly! So embarrassed!

2. I get tunnel vision when I'm low. Once after leaving my doctor's appointment, I started driving and driving and finally realized I was in the next town. I called home for directions, which was in this case, Turn around and follow your nose! (after a snack, of course).

3. Once when I went low, I staggered out from the bedroom to find my three Golden Retrievers staring at me, then barking at me. I assumed they wanted out, flung open all the doors in the house, and kept yelling, Out! Out! And they kept staring and barking. Eventually I gave up, tested, low... (Someday I'm going to get a Dalmatian so I can yell, Out, out damn Spot!)

4. Once I went low but really had no notion that I was. So I was in the bathroom fully clothed brushing my hair, and suddenly I blacked out. I did a leftward flip and wound up over the side of the bathtub, landing in it on my bottom with my feet dangling over the side. I nursed a bruised backside for a while!

Noooooooo........ 2 really happened. I was actually one of the lucky few who didn't get sick. It's the only time not drinking enough water has been good for me!

So many lows! I vote for #4 as the lie.

Actually, nope! I had diabetes for so long before (the wrong) diagnosis that I'm closing in on 20 years; so yes, so many lows. Any more guesses?

not sure they all sound real lol!! But I’ll go with #2

Oh wow I was sure it was #2

#2 is correct! I went quite a ways though. Sometimes now when I call home while out and about, my husband will ask me if I'm in the next state yet.

Let's see...was officially dx with type 2 in 2006...but know I had it a while before. Though I'm type 2, I'm prone to lows...and spikes. So here goes.....
1. While driving to pick my son up from school, I nearly passed out from a low. Was stopped at a red light for the longest time, but no one came to investigate. Barely made it to a side street...with a little girl gawking at me while I sat in the car testing.
2. I ate a candy bar once while low, with part of the plastic wrapper still attached (extra fibre!!)
3. With a fasting blood sugar of 10.2 (184), I was still considered pre-diabetic.

Guess the untruth!!!


Three truths and no lie?

No...one of them is a lie!!

Could be #1?

Number 2 is the lie!

Once, when I was riding my bike, I had a bag of jelly beans in my pocket that got "unzipped" so they got sweaty and gunked together with the bag so I just chewed the bag apart to get the beans out.