Asthma attacks with high blood sugars?

I’ve had asthma for almost my entire life. I haven’t had any real attacks in many many years. I feel like in the past few months, every time i have a high blood sugar i have a really hard time breathing. im guessing that its me having an asthma attack, but it seems odd to me that its caused by a high blood sugar. anybody else with asthma that gets this too? Or are there people out there that have no history of asthma having trouble breathing with a high blood sugar?

I have had Asthma all my life. Since my dx with diabetes last January, 2009. I was having some bad asthma about two weeks ago, my blood sugars were my highest ever. I started thinking is the Asthma causing the high bs or the high bs is causing the asthma. This is a great question, I hope someone can give us a definitive answer.

To me this would sound like a good assumption. If you put 1/2 glaas of acetone in a room could it trigger an asthma attack in some one susceptible. There may be enough acetone fumes from our own blood on occaision to be similar to the glass in the room.

Diabetes is full of these nasty feedback loops so why not asthma.