
I am having a hard time keeping my bs up since the warm weather has happened. I reduced my carb ratios so that I get less at meals. When will automode realize that I don’t need as much insulin?

If you are getting that much lower sugars you can lower your basal rates. Auto mode makes changes to your basal rate but if it starts too high you are fighting the algorithm.

You can also stretch your insulin time to five or even six hours. Also you can lower you sensitivity. Of course talk to your CDE before you make large scale changes.

So, lowering some of my basal rates in manual mode will make the algorithm give me less insulin when in automode? How many days does it take for the new amount to take effect? I lowered the afternoon basal rate. I know when I was on the 630 pump I was more sensitive in the afternoon and that seems to be my most problematic time of the day.

I saw my diabetes educator last week before the warmer weather came and she suggested I put my AIT to 3hours instead of the 2.15 that I had then.

That’s a good way to do it. Your auto mode will give you more insulin only when your sugars are high.

If I lower some of my basal rates in manual mode will that make the algorithm give me less insulin when in automode? How many days does it take for the new amount to take effect? I lowered the afternoon basal rate. I know when I was on the 630 pump I was more sensitive in the afternoon and that seems to be my most problematic time of the day.

It will happen immediately