The bike shop in Anchorage called yesterday. It even sounded like it was 3000 miles away. UPS had successfully delivered my bicycle to Anchorage. The great folks at Chain Reaction Cycles had re-assembled it, and all was OK. Another worry to cross off the list.
We leave Friday at 6:00 AM, on a the tiny commuter plane out of our little valley in Western Colorado. Home base, Fruita, CO. I call it Red rider Outpost #7. We head to the great state of Alaska for 10 days of cycling and sightseeing, and meeting folks in the diabetes community.
My super wife and soigneur (look it up)is travelling with me to do all the hard work - she's 100% of the support team as I ride in two Tours de Cure and 350 miles up the George Parks hiway from Anchorage to Fairbanks. She rocks!
We're pretty well organized. You get used to that travelling as a Type 1 diabetic. I'd love to chat with Team Type 1 founder Phil Southerland about his travel tips. That awesome guy is forever globetrotting.
But here's a quick glance at how we prepare for an extended trip where diabetic supplies are few and far between.
I'm not sure I could find Skin Tac wipes in Nenana, Alaska! And travelling with bike kit is just as onerous. This roadie is picky about having the right shorts, the right gloves, the right socks, and on and on. I guess that comes from spending eight hours per day in the saddle.
I'll be posting little tidbits on riding, eating, dosing and enjoying an extended cycling adventure as a diabetic. And select beautiful photos of the trip. Here's hoping the trip isn't all bears and bug bites! I hope you'll come join me through this blog!
Joe Lansing
Red Rider Outpost #7