Last Friday night I started getting a sore throat. By Sunday I had a full blown cold. I get one about once a year. The last two nights my head and teeth have hurt too much to sleep and last night I was coughing. Yesterday I felt pretty good.
Now I am coughing, my head hurts, I have the sniffles and I have a slight temperature.
I am not too worried, but am wondering if I have the Coronavirus. I don’t think I do because I have been quite isolated, except for my husband, for more than two weeks. I took some walks but not around anybody.
My husband had a form of this, but not as bad, last week. I assume he picked up cold germs somewhere. I suppose he could have had a light case of the Coronavirus. So far my breathing is fine. I hope my temperature doesn’t rise. It is unusual for me to have a temperature.
I am confused about what I can take for head pain. I am not supposed to take ibuprofen because of heart stents, although I did for 10 yrs. and even if Tylenol wasn’t discouraged, it doesn’t work for me. Any other suggestions?
Either way, you’ll worry, but at least with one option you’ll know, and the other you risk harming yourself and your partner. If you call your doctor, and if you get a test, you can get relief.
However, the most common symptoms of coronavirus seem to be:
Shortness of breath
And, a small percentage of people with coronavirus, which experts are dubbing the distant cousin of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) virus, have reported sore throat, runny nose, vomiting or diarrhea.
I think I used the word “if” a few times. Besides, she won’t find out until she calls. Anyway, I think she is in the San Francisco area, and they will have tests, although possibly limited.
I am on the Oregon Coast in a tiny beach town. We own a house here. I doubt that there is anywhere to get tested. I will call if my temperature goes up.
Since I caught this from my husband, I don’t think am exposing him to anything. No vomiting or diarrhea thank goodness.
My breathing is fine.
My temp is 99.1. I heard yesterday that for seniors you shouldn’t even call about testing until your breathing gets labored, and temperature is at least 99.7.
no. Just the MA’s or the PA’s. Our endo and her PA alternate appointments with us. We see one or the other every 90 days, as required for pumping, by Medicare.
I use portals to communicate with my doctors offices. That works great as they are very responsive to messages on their respective portals. Stanford and Sutter or the two I use most.
Most of my doctors have options to choose when calling, one of them is speak to nurse, and usually get one in person, or sometimes leave message for callback. The nurse usually takes call, gets details, then checks with dr and calls back.
I can also use MyChart to message, but when more urgent I use phone call.
I have MyChart for my care at NYU Langone. I’m guessing you aren’t in Manhattan - that should be a question but - so wondering what hospital system you are with, and whether it is the same system sold to different hospitals or simply a common name for such systems. A snapshot of mine is below.