Has anyone experienced blood in the tubing? I woke up at about 2 this morning, feeling high. CGM said I was around 190, so I did a small correction (without checking on the meter). An hour later, I was still feeling high, so checked with the meter – 357 (sensor said 161)! So I took a large bolus to correct, and tried to go back to sleep. A half hour later, I’m feeling even worse, and notice that my 13" tubing is dark pink for about 8 inches up from the infusion site. Naturally, I change the infusion site and tubing immediately, and have rebolused (with all of the blood in the tubing, I am assuming that I was not getting any basal and that the boluses were not getting through. It was a pretty strong bleeder when I removed the old one, but the new one seems good so far (after peaking at 391, I’m back down to 366 – strange how such a bad number can actually sometimes be a relief) (yes, I’ve checked for ketones – medium ones – and I’ve already had 48 ounces of water, most of which has passed through).
Does anyone know the cause of blood up the tubing? Did I just hit a bad spot with the infusion site?
Many thanks.