Call to action: online auction items needed!

Zoe, same size as a business card, I make and swap painted and textile cards.

Do they have the same purpose? An artistic way to advertise or identify your contact info? I wouldn't think you would display something so small.

Stuffed animal service dogs
Jewelry for diabetic ID
Something signed by a famous diabetic
Donation of a time share rental by someone who owns one
Ok,that’s my ideas! Nancy

Great ideas!

Here you are, Zoe, Artist Trading Cards on Etsy.

Here are the ones I found on Etsy. Never heard of them either, very neat!

Thanks! Still not sure I get what they are used for though. Maybe I'm over-thinking it and they are just very small pretty things?

here's another one in progress, just little small artworks & a way to try new techniques without investing huge amounts of time & materials

What kinds of objects are you folks hoping for ??? We doing a Diabetic Ebay type thing???

Stuart, this is our first auction. We're certainly looking for D related stuff, but absolutely not limiting to that. We're hoping folks will use the auction for holiday shopping, as well as for 'OOO I have to have that!" purchases. Yes, it will be an ebay style auction. Home made things are welcome, as, of course, big ticket items ;)

Zoe, they are collector's items - bric a brac.

Thanks for the explanation - new concept for me, but they sound like fun for artists to do!

I too have pondered how this would work for non US citizens. However, gift cards to some international chains are a consideration. Is anyone donating art, music, literature, clothing? How about donating one's professional in a consultant, lawyer, translator etc.

We're still in the planning stage for the auction, Raise Your Hand, a benefit for the Diabetes Hands Foundation, but here's a rough idea of how it will work.

We'll be asking the community and others for donations. We also hope to have sponsorships for the auction at varying levels. It will be an ebay style auction, with a buy it now type option.

If you have something to donate, please email so we can add your item(s) to the list. We'd like a photo, brief description, and value (if known). Part of your donation will be shipping to the winning bidder (please ask if this is a problem for some reason).

If you're willing to solicit donations either locally or online, please email with a list of who you plan to ask. We don't want anyone asked twice. When we receive your list, we'll send you an 'official' letter with your information in it that you can either print or email. When you have items/services committed, let us know!

There are loads of great ideas in this thread. A few members have already asked their employers for a donation and have gotten a positive response. Please keep adding your ideas! Questions? Post here or email

Good ideas, everyone, keep 'em coming!

This is something we can all get behind in order to support our community.

Going to see if my local starbucks will do a basket type thing with coffees a few to go cups and some sf stuff :)

I'm so excited to be a part of this project. It's going to be a first for us here on tud...and my first project as a member of this wonderful community. I have all kinds of ideas up my keep visiting for future updates.

MANY thanks to the member of our community who made a cash donation to facilitate the workings of the auction! There are expenses involved, so this will be a huge help :) (*Jumping with joy.)

Wow, I love you guys :) What an amazing community this is!