Call to action: online auction items needed!

So glad to have you on board Sarah!

This is a project that will benefit all here at TuD. We can support our community and showcase our talents at the same time. I have a woodshop and a love for making sawdust, Hmm let me think I'm sure I can make something that will be of value.

I suggest pump decals form medtronic, i love those things

Is there a link to an official letter on letter head that I can use? I work for a large multi-national company that focuses on health a lot of time for charity, I will see what I can do, if nothing I will donate a gift card or money help out!

Damon, if you look at the original post, there are instructions for getting the letter :) Email with your name (so the letter can be personalized), and who you'll be asking.


Little slow tonight I will email right now =)

Gary, can I pre-bid? LOL LOVE hand made things ;)

cool beans

Just sent off an email to the address above. Would love to donate my music. CDs and MP3s :)

Awesome! Give us a sample please ;)

You can listen to full streaming albums through my site

Let me see if I can iframe one of the albums here for you. :)

Here is my first album as well:

Awesome! I want to pre-bid on this as well LOL

Huge thanks to David (dns) for taking on the daunting task of keeping track of donations, sending personalized letters to us to use when asking for donations, and making sure there's no duplication in our asking!

I love that our community steps forward to help with our projects ;)

Great idea!

We've already had a few requests for personalized 'ask' letters - thanks! Keep thinking about who you know who might like to make a contribution, or what you'd like to donate/create ;)

this was my only concern..the shipping internationally

can't wait to see the previews!

i will check on what i can do

Now I know there are a ton of creative, crafty, artsy D's out there. Let us know what your talent is and what you could contribute to the auction. I will be providing some knitted items.....possibilities are scarves, dish cloths, purses. Let us know what you can do to help out our first....and hopefully annual auction.