Can I buy something locally to tape my pod on with?

When I put it on horizontally or nearly so (seems like it does better at a bit of an angle), it hangs a bit and makes me feel insecure. I've only had three pods on so far and one of them did this:

omnipod fail :(

So, now I feel over-protective of the pod, like if my kids come near (which is of course a big reason why I wanted to avoid tubing). I'm hoping that there's some tried and true method of taping it on (I'm thinking something to go over the pump would be more secure?) and a product that will work well without tearing me up.

I'd be willing to buy online, but so happy to be able to get something today at CVS or somewhere.

Also, I think I already know the answer to this Q, but just in case... is it possible to pull insulin out of a used pod with a syringe? Like if, say, the syringe gets pulled off (as above) and the insulin is still pretty fresh? Seems like such a waste to lose the whole thing.

Oh, and btw, other than the above mishap... I am loving this pump! My numbers came right into line practically the minute I put it on. :)

I would try medical/sports tape to hold it on. I have never had that problem though so I'm wondering if you got a bad set of pods.I have pulled insulin out of old pods before. I don't think it is recomended but I don't think it can hurt anything.

I also loce the omnipod!! It's awesome!!!

Tegaderm transparent dressing. You might need to go to a medical supply. American Diabetes Wholesale might carry this.

I googled tegaderm for omnipod and found that it's used underneath the pod, but that led me to find something called hypafix tape which sounds just right and has great reviews on amazon (at least one of them from an omnipod user and also a couple from cgm users and someone who puts it over his regular tubed insulin pump set). Anyhow, I'm wondering if anyone here has used it and, if so, do you cover the pod completely with it or just use smaller strips of the tape to tape it down. I'm not sure if I should get the 2 x 10 inch or the 4 x 10 inch, but I'd probably need the wider stuff to totally cover the pump. It's a little price to just buy one of each with no recs.

That's great news about using the insulin from the pod!

Alright... it does look like you can use tegaderm over or under. I'm torn between being cheap and trying to get just the right thing and throwing everything in my cart so I can experiment.

I always keep Nexcare tape with me (I think it is a 3M product,) which you can buy at the drugstore. It holds the pod securely when it wants to pull off. It takes some tugging to remove but better than a wasted pod. I have removed insulin from a pod that has failed when priming without issue more than once.
Good luck!

Is it this stuff or maybe this. That looks like something I could possibly find at cvs or walgreens.

I use the second option for my pod....looks like a Scotch Tape roll. I have used the flesh colored tape on my feet where shoes rub. It might work also but is less secure, although not as painful to remove.

I used the tegaderm over a loose pod.

Between the active 7 year old and Karate 4 days a week, I've had similar issued. I've found that putting the pods higher up on my arms works out well for keeping them in place. Though I agree with whoever said you may have a bad batch, the only time mine have done that is when I've whacked them on the car door or on a door jam.

Tegaderm is tricky, I use it for my Dex sensor, but with the Omni pod, just try some different sites. Also, and my Omni rep told me this, as long as it's a relatively new pod, you can draw the insulin back out (just go really really slow) and use it again.

This same thing happened to my (then) 3 year old daughter when we started using the pod in September. We had it at the top of her tush, just below the waistline. She now wears her pods exclusively on her arms and legs. Anyway, we have tried almost EVERYTHING to secure the pod so it doesn't get caught on anything - Nexcare waterproof tape, Coban wrap, Mefix tape (same as hypafix), tegaderm, 2" Opsite flexifix and 4" x 2" Heavy Duty Waterproof clear bandages from CVS. After all of that, I keep coming back to the bandages from CVS, as they are indeed super waterproof and they don't irritate my daughter's skin. They will be an even better fit when the smaller pods come out.

The Mefix tape and the tegaderm were not at all waterproof (there is a version of the tegaderm that is, but it costs like 10x more than the non-waterproof version). I loved the Opsite flexifix, as it was the thinnest and most flexible while also being waterproof and I thought it was going to be the answer until it started making her skin red and itchy - even though it's supposed to be hypo-allergenic. She scratched so much one day she ripped her pod right off. Even after using Cavilon barrier spray, which is supposed to protect the skin from adhesives, the Flexifix still irritated her (sigh).

My advice would be to try different things and see which works best for you. But if you want something from your local drugstore, try the CVS bandages. Sometimes they even have a "Buy one, get one 50% off sale." BTW, I also use Skin Tac wipes AND Mastisol spray to "glue" the pod to her skin and Unisolve wipes to remove the bandage and pod adhesive.

And yes, I keep each used pod and draw insulin out of it to help fill the next pod. Insulet and your doctor would tell you never to do that, but I have talked to plenty of people who do and it doesn't seem to affect my daughter's blood sugars one way or another. Best of luck to you!

I have the exact same problem as the original poster. We use the mefix and it is just not waterproof and doesnt stick well. It always comes out at the front by the cannula. aimeeh2osk, would you mind sharing how you place the bandages, do you cover the whole pod, like one bandage acros the center or do you tape over the window in the front since the bandage is clear. I appreciate any advice cause we are losing too many pods.

Run down to he local sporting goods store and pick up a roll of Kinesio tape. It'll take a beating yet is made for longterm wear so it doesn't seem to be as harsh on the skin as some of the medical products I have used. Cut it into strips for use and use as much or as little as you need.

If you're willing to go online, my old standby is Opsite flexifit. You can get it in different sizes and quantities and cut to size according to your needs. It won't take the same beating as kinisio tape, but is lighter weight and less noticeable. The downside is that, if I wear it for longer tan a couple of days, it can irritate my skin.

Good luck!

Not that I have experience with Pods but have had to try to keep on other medical devices..
Youll have to try a few different things.. I cannot use IV3000 or I basically peel off layers of skin that takes forever to heal, but have had good luck with Opsite Flexfix and Tegaderm HP (HP uses a different adhesive than regular Tegaderm.. Found it actually *less* irritating than the regular even though its supposedly a stronger adhesive).. Also use ivprep/skinprep (prefer skinprep, ivprep is skinprep with alcohol mixed in).. on the skin BEFORE attaching the device).. Theres even methods which consisists of barrier wipe-adhesive helper, device, then tape, or barrier wipe, iv3000/tegaderm, then the device.. and tape on top.. its a trial and error thing.. also there are some sort of lycra/spandex band that can be used on arms and leg sites to keep the pod on.. Try talking with your endo or CDE about this.. also the pump rep... they have had to deal with this before...

Good luck

What happens here is that the adhesive will stick to the site; but the Pod tears away from the adhesive.

Sure, since the pod is about 2.5 inches long, I center the bandage (using the "padding" part as my guide) perpendicular on the pod. Actually, I place it just a smidge closer to the cannula end but without covering up the window. The only foreseeable problem with this is that the new pods contain a small window on top that turns pink to show the cannula has inserted correctly, and the padding part of the bandage might cover this up.

KT tape (from a sporting goods store) works like a charm. Very comfy and secure. And different colors to choose from!

I use the SKIN TAC WIPE order MS407W. I order it the same time I order my pods.
I wipe it on the omni pad directly not my skin, wait for it to get sticky and attach to my back or arm, it makes better contact and my skin around the pod is not sticky. I swim and take a water aerobics class every other night and it stays in place. I take off the paper expose the sticky side and take the tacky swab and wipe it on the pod.(the part that sticks to my skin) When my fingers get sticky I place the pod on my body, since I been doing this a couple of months I have very few problems with the pod remaining in place for 3 days.

Yeah, haven't found a wipe type product for the skin, yet, that will help keep the pod from tearing away from the adhesive.