CGM decision to be made before this sunday!

Hello everyone

I have been saving money to get a MM pump as I have been on trial for almost 2 months now and i LOVE it.

the problem i need you to help me in is: should i get a MM 722 with CGM? or just the MM 522 with no CGM? i have been saving money -since i don’t have a health insurance to cover my type one diabetes- to buy my pump with a CGM, but reading all the mostly negative comments about it right here made me have second thoughts especially that i will have to pay double the price for a MM pump with CGM. Dexcom is not an option as it’s not available in my country.

is the MM CGM worth my doubled money? and would it be accurate and painful and hard to wear as I heard?




Minimed will be coming out with something called the “comfort sensor”; unfortunately, I read that the next upgrade will not be the comfort model; however, they are supposed to come out with the comfort sensor relatively soon. These companies always announce upgrades years before they are available, but I think the comfort will be here within the next year or two. I would get the Revel pump (they actually have a better model in Europe that stops giving insulin when your BS hits 50); so would try to get that Eruopean model; otherwise the Revel. Or get the Paradigm that communicates with cgms; I thought both models of Paradigm did. If you numb the area with EMLA for an hour before insertion and use the tush area which has the highest fat, you may not have a problem. A lot of children use the MM cgms with no problems. My niece had no problem at first but Sis was using the arm and she did have a bad experience. If MM comes out with the comfort and it really is comfortable, we might switch back, though she prefers Dex because we prefer the MM pump.

Personally, I have had very good experience with the MM CGM, but it does require a few months of optimizing sites/settings/etc to achieve good results. It’s a commitment, that’s for sure!

Accurate? I’ve had good luck with them, but they can be hit or miss. Some sensors are near perfection, most sensors are accurate enough to be useful with the right alert settings, and a few sensors are close to useless. MM is generally regarded as the least accurate, which is true, but I find it accurate enough. And, actually, I have other options but still chose it mostly for the integration.

Painful? No. The needle is larger, and may sting or bleed a bit more upon insertion, but it’s transient and for me wouldn’t be a factor to switch.

Hard to wear? Not really. If you secure the sensor/transmitter with a good piece of tegaderm, it holds it on. It takes getting used to but, again, I’m not sure this would be my primary reason for switching. If you have very few sites for placement, that may make it more difficult to wear, however.

Is it worth the $? That is a tough one! Are you paying for the sensors too, I assume? My honest opinion is that I love my MM CGM. I would like it to be better designed and more accurate, yes, but I would have a tough time letting go of it even with all of its flaws. But it’s such an individual experience that it may not be worth money for someone else. I haven’t really considered what I would do if my insurance stopped paying for my sensors. I’d do what I could to keep it, but not if it meant being financially uncomfortable either.

The Revel is the same as the Veo that is sold in europe except for the Veo’s ability to shut off insulin deliver when BG is tool low or falling to fast and going low. The software in the two product is the same in every other way.

You cannot buy or get the MM Veo (From outside the US) it the US. The Revel has the exact same functionality in displaying BG and warnings.

Good assessment and info on the CGM. What version of the CGM/pump are you using? Sounds like a Paradigm experience. I upgraded to the Revel and it is like nite and day, the software and interface are much improved and result in much more consistent and accurate readings.

Yes, I do use the paradigm! I’ve been reluctant to upgrade, but have been considering it. It has been difficult to determine exactly how much they changed it and whether those changes are worth it. But after your assessment, I think I’m going to make it a priority. Thanks!

thank you all
I’ve finally -after serious thought and search- decided not to get a mm cgm and get a DexCom in the future when needed. the mm cgm does not feel like a good addition into my life.
thx again =)