Challenge Family Atlantic City Iron Distance Race relay?

There is a new iron distance race (2.4 Mile Swim, 112 Mile Bike, 26.2 Mile Run) coming to atlantic city next june. I want to do this race but don't think I will be iron distance ready (and won't get the wife to sign off on it yet) But was thinking about doing it as a relay. anyone interested?

Hi Joe!

I could probably be convinced to do the swim or the run. Is this June 2014?

yep end of June 2014

Joe, did you see or do the AC Tri? (I didn't, but I'm local and am familiar with the area) I hear it is the same swim course with some loops, a bike course out into Galloway also using loops, and the AC Marathon run course.

What event(s) are you stronger at or more interested? I have never run a marathon or biked a century, or swam further than a half mile. Working myself up to that.

Also, there is the "Shore Man" half nearby that comes in September. I hear this event is awesome as far as non-IronMan-branded events go. I expect to be volunteering for that next year as I have a few coworkers who compete.

thanks mike. have not done the AC tri but have done tris before. I did the AC half marathon a long time ago but enjoyed it. I'm more of a runner than anything else but would like to work on the bike this year. I am a mediocre swimmer

I'm the opposite, a half-decent biker looking to work on the running. Also a mediocre swimmer, but only at sprint distances.

With the pump's infusion set, I get nervous spending too much time in the water.

What do you guys think? I want to do this event this year either as a relay or aqua velo. would you like to try this as a relay? I would like to do the bike

If you need someone to do the run I could probably be in, but BOY is that a steep entry fee!

no worries Stephen I can do it as swim/bike.

I'm out, not ready for that kind of distance. But let me know if there is ANYTHING I can do to help out. Restaurant, hotel, or LBS suggestions, I'm there for you. Cheerleader, whatever. Bike scout before the day? Sure.

Ha awesome mike! I'm not sure if i'm ready either. but that is the fun part.

Was just asked to bike in a relay, a guy broke his foot, although I already signed up for two of the volunteer sessions. Not really ready to 112 mile bike, but if I don't try to finish it in 5 hours, I should be able to finish it, haha!