Check this out, new article about pot and insulin/diabetes

Check out this article I found it interesting that it could help control blood sugars; and help to keep weight off....what happened to the munchies, Would you be willing to give medical MJ a try if they thought it could lower your bgs?

Hmmm, I don't actually need my BG to be lower so I dunno if I'd go hit a doc up. It's legal in about 2 weeks in IL and I'm not quite sure how it's going to turn out. They've already busted one doc for "preapproving" patients but, at the same time, I have to wonder if Chicago will turn into Venice Beach?

Maybe.....but that's not the question, IF you needed to lower you bgs and other meds weren't working would you use medical MJ to lower you bgs? Forget the other affects of the weed, think medically not stoned

As far as the question goes, IF marijuana lowered BG levels, off the top of my head, I wouldn't smoke it just for that purpose. It really is all about side effects and benefit versus risk. It kinda depends on how much I'd have to smoke to get the benefits. A hit a week to lower my fasting BG 10 points, maybe. A joint a day to lower my BG 10 points, definitely not.

As far as the article goes, I'd certainly need a lot more info if this is all I have to go on to make a decision like that. Lowered insulin levels doesn't really help me as a T1, and it's not clear what connection that has to marijuana use. It sounds more correlational that cause from the article.

There's only mention of lowered fasting BG levels, but there's no mention about how much they are lowered in the marijuana group, or how much marijuana you need to smoke to get the affect even if there is a causational relationship. I'd definitely need to know more.

For me it would be the same as FHS. It would depend on how much. But even if the great state of Tennessee allowed it the federal government and DOT regulation do no. Since my job falls under Dot rules I would not be allowed.

It is an interesting concept.... Get high to keep from going high.

This article takes me back to the Study I performed myself. It is on this site somewhere. But what it involved was me regulating my bg lvls simply by smoking pot. The better the quality of the herb, the better results I received. I was able to lower my sugar lvls by simply smoking a joint. It was not as accurate as insulin because there are more factors involved that are beyond the control of the user. But in the 6 month time my a1c at the begining was 8.4 and after it was 6.2 using nothing but marijuana to control the rising glucose levels.

Is there a link to the original study that I am missing? This article mentions lower fasting insulin levels, and also that both insulin and glucose levels were measured after 9 hours of fasting, but I did not see a mention of the effect on blood glucose levels. Anyway, as someone with Type 1, my insulin levels really couldn't get any lower than they already are.

Nice! Thanks, haven't heard for AGES!!

I was 26 when that was taped, AR. Ever go to a Dead concert?

My guess about the lower BMIs and lower fasting insulin and BG levels is that marijuana use lowers insulin resistance, which in turn lowers insulin levels and BMI.

The reason why they use insulin level is because it's a good indicator of IR, not because it's T1 vs. T2.

No sweat Mari, trying to stay on topic, of course!

I read a Jerry bio that had some sort of interesting tidbits, no medical records or anything like that but stuff like "Jerry's feet were bothering him and he had diabetes so Mountain Girl took him to an acupuncturist..." that kind of gave me the willies and makes me wonder. He was only 53 when he died! People are always saying "oh well, he was on drugs, whatever" but I'd like to find out more about Jerry and diabetes. I don't see it coming out though.

At, you can still score a copy of the May 1977 Box set that you may find interesting...a lot of the new releases are stuff that's been in circulation through tapers but remastered from the soundboard tapes that result in really excellent recordings. That set has 5 shows (5/12/77-5/17/77) that are all rockin' and sound awesome!! The only good thing about my surgical stint in June was that that had just arrived and gave me something to do while I was recovering.

I like a bunch of different eras and sub-eras of the Dead but those are smoking recordings! And, it's Christmas!! ho ho ho!!

That's 12/31/78 according to the label Spock, which is in line with Jerry playing "Wolf".

I saw one show at Alpine Valley, summer of '85. They played Space so I was happy and enjoyed the tribal experience a lot, although I didn't get into them a ton until I picked up the "Two From the Vault" disc when it came out and started checking out the recordings that had come out that were cleaned up and convenient. I had a couple taper buddies but went from vinyl to CDs and was never too into tapes. The Dick's Picks series are mostly pretty neat, and there are tons of well-written reviews to assist with shopping and I've signed up for the Dave's Picks and got a couple of other things too.

The "Sunshine Daydream" movie is *really* cool too, great sound and it puts you at the show 8/27/72 although there are quite a few naked people dancing around.

No way, unless they can take the stoned out of it......and that would be like taking a shower with a rain coat on.

Just think 35 million PWD's on the chronic, everyday, late for there doctors appointments, sitting through green lights, And the ones that have jobs, what do they do ? , burn one on there way to work, CAN"T work for me. look at the job limitations....I guess if I had a business making balloon animals and cupcakes, oh and I guess many of them could just sit around and roll joint's for the other millions... MJ was never suppose to be for the masses, main street, or rednecks, just few close friends...;-)

Definitely NOT trying to make this Type 1 vs Type 2, just looking for the effect on BG levels and not seeing it in the article.

Smoking a joint isn't the only way of getting the same result. Most of the medicinal purposes don't even come from THC. They usually come from another of the chemicals found in the plant. CBD's are one of the main ones. They are able to extract the CBD's and they can be used in many forms, put into suckers, gels, you name it they can probably add it to them.

In the case of the compounds that help prevent retinopathy, they are different than the psychoactive ones. So it might be possible to breed the high out of a particular strain and leave in the beneficial compounds. This may not be the case about the compounds that appear to help blood sugar though.

If there were some research based causational relationship established, and if there were some way to isolate the compound for ingestion that didn't actually involve smoking at all, then you'd have just another drug developed from a plant source.

I'd welcome any FDA approved drug that can help me lower my fasting BG with minimal side-effects.

For anyone wishing to view the original study here's a link

Went to one in '70 (showing my age!). It was, like everything then, totally far out. Still have a lot of vinyl and yes, a turntable ;)

I think that most of their shows are available online too, higher quality are streaming but lower quality d/l are also available. It's sort of cool to check out but the remixed/remastered ones that are put out are pretty great recordings, if you're into that sort of thing.