Okay so I was struggling with the blood sugars for the past few weeks getting into my college schedule and had A horrible scare last week with A low of 29 mg/dl while walking to my next class. I stopped and sat down in the walk way and tested and called my guy because he is good dealing with my lows and helping me get back to normal. anyways I got that feeling you know the one where you get all sweaty and hot and your vision starts to go all tunnel on you and then goes black then there is that intense hunger where you just do not care what food or drink you inhale you just want it then and there. It was freaking me out cause I am still new to this school and only know my friends and so it was like okay like at the freak sitting in the walkway. Well needless to say I have A great school my professor happened to walk by and helped me out and then john shows up right after him and I get some food in me and I was back to normal well minus the low hangover headache. Needless to say john and I have be partners for 7 yrs on the ambulance and we decided to start dating at the beginning of this semester and he is great with the diabetes he sure as heck does not let it become any of my excuses and really helps me to figure things out but he does not over step the line you know? We found that I have to eat in the early morning if I have class cause my basal is higher due to the dawn phenomon and without eating I go low from working out eariler in the morning (5am) and running around all day. If I eat like I am posed to then I don’t have a morning low which after treating was causing a afternoon high later on. I can’t believe how much work it takes for me to readjust my pump for semester changes! great news is we figured it out and now I am back on the tight rope and had class on thurs without falling off the tightrope for once lol. Thanks for all you guy’s help when I posted without it I really think I would still be trying to figure this mystery out!
Glad you have got it together… I knew it wouod work out for you… It was such a blessing that your profressor just “happened” to walk by and John was right there for you just at the time you needed him.!! Hope he rest of your school year goes well!!
God BLess,
As a person who doesn’t experience lows, all I can say is: please don’t be self-conscious, you guys. Anyone with a brain is not going to be judgmental of someone undergoing a medical problem! People may not know how to help you, but they aren’t seeing it as some kind of moral failure on your part.
Thanks guys!
Brunetta - God was def. watching over me that day!! John is like my personal medic on campus he is the one that if something were to happen he gets the call. He is an amazing person.
Frances - I think it is more the fact that since our low symptoms memic being intoxicated I feel like that is what they might think instead of ohh it is A medical problem. but you are right we should not be embaressed for something we can not help!