This group is for anyone who is in college and a diabetic. The topics discussed include how to handle exam stress and blood sugars, college humor, and all things related!
Not only am I in grad school, but I am a part time instructor at the school as well, AND I am graduating this up-coming semester (as I am in music I have to do all the usual exams, orals, and defense - but also have to play a 2-hour recital). STRESS? Yeah - I’m STRESSED!!!
Yeah, this break has been great! I have actually cleaned my house (and kept it clean), been able to eat healthy meals every day -without having to miss meals, exercised daily, slept the correct amount every day, and lost 5 pounds over the past 2 weeks. I just don’t know how to keep this up when the semester begins in a week. I really need to try though, because I can’t graduate if I am in the hospital.
Hi all, saw this group and it looked interesting, Im a “born again student” working on my BS in I.T. on top of a pretty stressful career (I manage the enterprise risk assessment program for a fortune 500 company), so always looking for tips and tricks to do all of that and still find time to “manage” diabetes. !
<-- Will be attending college in Sept '09 excitedddd! =]
after oh 3 years of school i am still not done with my generals. i still have no idea what i want to be when i grow up.
Be your self Melissa, what ever you like to do. Good Luck
thanks Al.
having a bad day. high blood sugar. not sure why. stressing about endo appointment tomorrow. getting kidney results back. doc said had signs of kidney damage back in June. . some days i just cant do this… my self discipline sux… just not sure what to do some days…
I work full time as a case manager at a homeless transitional shelter (longer term housing than just overnight emergency care/shelter) and part time for Children’s Admin (Child Protective Services) where I am on call a lot nights and weekend and may have to go out at any time. I am not a student right now but I plan to go back for more grad school in September - so I guess I would fit in this group. My blood sugars are awful and I am trying to get my insurance to help with a pump but my coverage is minimal so we will see… I also struggle with an eating disorder so my doc would really like to see me get a pump b/c she feels it would be best for me especially since I am dealing with complications of poor nutrition/diabetes. Stress is a part of my life daily but a lot is self induced with perfectionism : P I think as a diabetic I need to find a way to care about myself more than I do but it can be a challenge! Some days I just want to give up or at least just have one day where i didnt have to think about diabetes! Obviously others deal with a lot of these same feelings and are under as much and even more stress than I am. I hope to gain some perspective and maybe even some strength from that in this group as well as others. Maybe this is a first step in facing rather than completely resenting my body and how I feel about it being my own worst enemy! Hope everyone is having a good weekend!
I don’t have any health insurance and i don’t have a job also im in college. I have like two days left of lantus and I have no clue where i can go to get help with this. I have applied for medicaid and they denied me because they do not consider diabetes a disability so i went to social security and applied but they said it will take up to 3 months to make a decision. Any ideas would help thank you.
Hi Everyone, I was just diagnosed with Type 1 and I just started college. Should I go home or stay for my first semester?
In answer to your question, sweeted fease, I went home for the first semester I was diagnosed, and commuted to classes. I felt it allowed me to focus more on managing and controlling my diabetes, while allowing me mediate access to family support. This also allowed me to escape some of the pressures of living with other college students, such as pressure to drink while uncontrolled, and other such shenanigans. Hope that helps!
Thank you CMiller. I appreciate your response in helping me make my own decision. It’s nice to get others opinions!
hello all
I’m starting my prereq’s in order to get into a MSN program! Is anyone else going for it?
I’m not doing the MSN, but I am finishing my prereqs for PA school.
Does diabetes affect your ability to study?
I am struggling to find an hour in the day when I feel well enough to study my blood glucose is so out of control.I seem to be letarghic from highs or feeling hypo from dropping sugars and I haven’t studied in over 4 weeks.I find that I have no concentration.If I tried to study when high I may aswell be hitting my head against a brick wall…does anyone else have this problem.Its really getting me down…its very hard to see my class mates spend loads of tim in the library when I seem to spend all my time in bed.I am seriously considering dropping out of college but I will feel like a failure even though right now iam failing with my diabetes and college.
I think we’re pretty well scattered around the country and globe. Welcome! I’m in sunny AZ where it was in the seventies and sunny all Christmas Day!