Commercial Driver's License

Well it looks like I’m going to loose my commercial drivers license. 28 years ago when I got them I was not T2. For 20 of the last 28 years I’ve been T2 and have passed my medical exams just fine but now I’ve become insulin dependent and from what I’ve read there is no way in hell they are going to let me keep them.
Even though I no longer drive a commercial vehicle that requires them it P’s me off to have to give up my CDL’s. I know there is nothing I can do and just want to vent a little bit. I guess there is a bright side in that I now have one less doctor visit each year.
Thanks for listening to my minor rant.

Gosh Stemwinder…that sucks!!

Thanks Peetie. Thats pretty much the way I feel.

Geez, like you’re automatically less controlled because you’ll be on insulin???

I don’t know where you are from, Stemwinder, but that may not be true. There is a recognition that those who hold commercial drivers licenses and are insulin dependent may still be able to hold the CDL under certain circumstances. I know that there is a waiver process in Minnesota, and Minnesota is a fairly tough state to get a CDL. I am currently looking into its possibility.

Also, the Federal DOT rules are looking at revising the rules concerning insulin dependent diabetics and holding a CDL. With the newer analog insulins and successful use of pumps in diabetes treatment, there is now a much more reduced possibility of reoccuring lows that under the older insulins in use when the rules were written.

I have yet to give up my CDL. I am looking into getting the variance in my state. Maybe there is a variance for you, too!

Be well.

Brian Wittman

By the way, I love the picture of that '57 Chevy!

In Canada we have type 1’s flying planes …hope Brian has it correct for you …and you may need an Advocate speaking up for you ???

Thanks Brian, I love the 57 also, I chose it’s picture because it like me was born in 57. As far as getting a waiver I didn’t know that might be possible. I might look into it but think it would be difficult to get and even harder to live with because there will most likely be strings attached and hoops to jump through. I no longer need the CDL’s so I’m not sure it’ll be worth the effort. You’ve given me something to think about. Thanks