CVS has sale on ContourUSB

The Pharmacy “CVS” has the ContourUSB meter on sale for $9:99 without coupon.
And if you go to you can get a $20 coupon making it free.

This is a very nice meter that plugs directly into your USB port on your computer and has integrated software for tracking your readings.

I Personally use this meter and highly recommend it to anyone trying to understand their Glucose levels.

BTW, there doesn’t seem to be a limit I bought two without issue.


CVS now has coupons for free meters right next to the meters on the shelf.
You just pay the tax $1.98 where I’m at.

Just got a new USB for back-up as a gift, so no cost here. Simplest meter I have used in about 37 years. Easy to set-up

and software included in meter. Only problem I have is trying to get the bonus gifts they offer for free.

Have been using mine for 9 months now and Love it.


Justed registered my new backup USB meter this morning. Now, I will sit and waite for it to arrive.

Here goes nothing.
