D-Parodies for DHF

I've started a personal campaign to raise money for the Diabetes Hands Foundation. I'll be releasing music video parodies of songs and changing the lyrics to be diabetes-themed! From now through September 30, you can cheer me on by making a donation at http://www.razoo.com/story/Dparody. Hope you will help me give back to the great folks at TuDiabetes and reach my goal. All of the money goes DIRECTLY to DHF and is tax deductible.

Hope you guys enjoy my videos! I'll post them here on TuD, too!

Thank you Melissa

AWESOME first video, Mel!! Totally brilliant :)

AMAZING second video too. Thank You Melissa for supporting one of the best communites for people who are touched with diabetes! :)

So good. Bravo! (clap, clap, clap)