I put a link to the “Donate to DHF” page on my facebook site. You should too, if you have in any way benifited from tudiabetes.com or the Diabetes Online Community as a whole. We don’t want our community to die due to lack of funds, plus, the more money is available the more it can do.
If your question is, have I donated? The answer is, no I haven’t. I’m currently unemployed, living with my parents and stealing their food. But as soon as I get a job, I will be donating. If you can spare ten dollars, or even one dollar, please donate. If you give up your daily starbucks for a month you could donate 90 dollars. If you give up your daily diet coke you could donate 30 dollars. Come on, people. Do something good for yourself. For your community.
Have you donated? If not, why not? Is it a legitimate reason, or an excuse? If you regularly donate to ADA or JDRF or another type of D-charity, could you subtract 5 dollars from your contribution to them for this month’s fundraiser campaign for DHF? Why not? Oh and hey, there’s cool stuff you can get from tudiabetes if you donate. I totally want the tote bag. If you have a legitimate reason for not donating, could you do more to spread the word? I know I could.
Today is September 3rd. I challenge you to give something up and make at least a 5 dollar donation by the end of the month. Can you do it?