Dateing for Diabetics

OK I feel stupid but im going out on a limb to see what happends, yah know keep my options open. Most of us want someone and some of us have given up on finding anyone. But does anyone know of a site to meet single diabetics? I know its aqward and strange for people to be trying to get to even start a conversation online but hey all my other relationships have been with brats or drama people… and a few cheeters…so im streching my wings and takeing a chance…Can anyone help or is there not one?

Yeah you do the same. I forget alot of time about my pain and problems most whe I am in a relationship for some reasion…I dunno what it is about someone next to you that help me loose track of time…not so much helps me sleep but sometimes I forget the pain when I crack jokes or she just loves on me…but thats all gone due to drama or girls who need need need…I just wana find a woman who wants to cuddle not to clingy but sorta is not a jelious one and is a bit of a home body but likes to exercise when she can…I dont think its too much to ask? Maybe it is…

I wanna move near Dallas…no in Dallas but near by would be nice…LVN makein nice bucks good Hospitals maybe even some sain Women unlike around here. Or am I the one who’s crazy…I dont like drama I like to work things out with an open mind and you know what ile even agree do dissagree when it comes to non emotionaly or physical things but gosh…I think I vented too long…

Anyone else wana share a secret or am I going to just be aloan forever with just friends? Cus im ok with that? But whatever I guess everyone but me is sleeping again. I always forget that people sleep…man what I would do for some good hard sleep! O well whatcha gona do!) lol

Well i know the ADA site itself has a section on their forums for meeting and relating to other Ds … there are also some meetup groups in various cities with the aim of meeting other Ds

I don’t really know about dating another diabetic, as I wasn’t interested in that myself - DH has the potential to become diabetic because of his family history but he’s not - he is epileptic though. I meet DH though Second Life (meet a few Ds there as well on the various diabetic dating groups that the site has).

Sleep is over rated lol just kidding i am workng on the ambulance till 8am so stopped in to see what was up here. as for dating sites dude I am not sure there is a site that you would find helpful. it is hard in the dating pool and more so with the big D some people just don’t know how to deal with a chronic disease on top of a new relationship. but trust me I am sure if you asked everyone on here would have some advice. good luck my fiend in your search

Lol thanks med464rescue- go get them combatents!

Thank you SEAGATOR