Decoding carelink

For any coders, we've mostly finally decoded the carelink protocol.

I've tried to simplify the tools to a kind of minimal set of scripts which should reproduce results in a predictable way.

You can see the kind of output you might get from attempting to decode your pump over carelink here:

As-is, it's stuck in a state that at least does not seem to produce error states for me and are reproducible, but do not allow me to continue the protocol as expected. I believe this has something special to do either with either the short length of the initial PowerControl command or something about the PowerControl command itself.

I've tried documenting the protocol a bit, as well as show other output, including attempts at decoding bolus histories, etc....

You can find attempts at finding records in which is useful to analyze the experiments I've performed:

If anyone has suggestions on how to improve the handling to be more reliable, or on how to better parse records out of the HistoryData, please let me know. :-)


Have you tried the python library "hachoir"?

It hasn't been too active lately, but it looks promising. There are also links to other binary file analysis projects.