I've seen a thread here about Mac users and DEXCOM CGM software. I've found a way to run the software on my Mac, using a free program called WineSkin, but I'm having trouble when I plug in the monitor using my USB cable. The software doesn't detect the device.
Has anyone successfully used DEXCOM on a Mac?
While I haven't used any of my diabetes equipment with a Mac, I do know from other computing experiences that some of the virtualization programs (ex. WineSkin) don't pass control of the ports properly from the native operating system (in this case, Mac OS) to programs running within the virtualization program (your CGM software). I am not sure as to specifics of WineSkin, never messed with that one, but when I have a minute I will look at it and post a follow up of what I find.
Unfortunately, it looks like the port access is an issue with WineSkin, as I mentioned it is with some others. It has to do with the emulation/virtualization software not being a full blown operating system, and therefore, it can't accept the software (drivers) being installed which would allow it communication with the ports. Sorry for the bad news.