Dexcom CGM direct to Smartwatch!

Ok. So yesterday the watch missed only 7 readings out of 288, about 98%. Today, however, it’s running at about 50%. I’m doing the same thing today as I did yesterday. The receiver is turned off and in the closet at home just like yesterday. The only thing I’ve done with the watch since yesterday is charge it.

I’m flummoxed. I really want this watch to work as well as the receiver does because it’s so much more convenient.

Anybody have any ideas/explanations?

Xdrip recommends that you do not use the receiver concurrently with it. Yes, the Bluetooth will only consistently support one connection.

You should make sure you are installing the xdrip+ nightly build releases to get the updates especially as the watch app is new and daily improvements are being checked in.

I regularly get a capture rate in the upper 90s so a 50% capture rate indicates something wrong. Could your sensor be getting old? The latest nightly build has improvements in logging messages which can be viewed on the phone. I’d recommend updating to the latest build.

My Dexcom receiver has been turned off for the last two days, using the Smart watch as the receiver. Xdrip+ update is set to automatic alpha channel updates. I change my sensors after 7 days (great insurance!) so age is not an issue.

From last midnight I have had about a 50% capture rate. This was after a nearly 100% rate from the previous day. But for the last four hours is back up to. 100%.

I know it’s not recommended to use the “Scan for G5” setting on the Sony Smart Watch 3, but all of my 100% capture sessions have been with this setting enabled, and the spotty 50% sessions have been with it disabled. Go figure!

In any event I plan to stick with it until I can get it to work reliably. Besides, 45 years ago when I was diagnosed all we could do was to pee on a strip and if it changed colors I knew my bg was high 6-8 hours previously. So I consider seeing my bg even once every ten minutes on a watch is quite remarkable :relaxed:

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This is a little off-topic, but while it’s great you are provided weekly sensors I actually find week 2 to be the most reliable and stable.

@doc77 do you notice a specific time of day that you are only getting ~50% success rate?

It’s actually been pretty variable. One day, like a few days ago it captured at less than 50% for about 16 hours starting late at night and continuing for a good part of the day, then the next day it was 100% all day. Last night it was about 90% and it’d continuing as such this morning.

I’m hoping that maybe it’s just starting to settle down.

Major setback for me… My Sony Smartwatch 3 seems to have become unable to be charged!! I don’t know what happened - was find 24 hours ago, then nothing… :frowning:

Will have to decide what to do all over again… (I don’t think I have a warranty on it…) Guess that was an expensive failed experiment…

That is a bummer. At least it wasn’t an Apple watch. Those things are way expensive. I paid about $120 for my SW3 on Amazon even though I found it less expensive on other sites. I chose Amazon because of their easy return policy in case the watch didn’t work.


THANK YOU @doc77 for reminding me!! I DID buy it from Amazon (though I paid a fair bit more than you did!) – And, apparently, it’s still within their return policy time-frame!! Just submitted the return request! :slight_smile:

Thas, that’s awesome! I’ve only had my watch for a couple of weeks, but I can’t even imagine not having it now.

I know that the smartwatch uploads the missing data from the smartphone and fills in x Drip when it reconnects, but I’m not sure if the missing data will then show on the Dexcom Share follower device. Maybe that would be a good question to ask on the Nightscout Facebook forum.

Yes, all BG data is sent to the phone upon reconnecting. Yes, data is sent to nightscout if you have it configured on your phone. If you are using g4 share and configured your phone then data gets sent to the Dexcom server as usual.

Thanks for all of your advice and assistance. I’ve now had several straight days of 98+% capture rates. What really seemed to make an instant difference was to have the G5 debug set to constantly scan Bluetooth.

The only problem I’m still trying to work out is that overnight the Dexcom Share sync seems to largely cut out. It’s driving my wife nuts that she can’t see my Bg readings overnight on her nightstand. I have disabled Doze on my Note 4, tried keeping the data connection on in case wifi cut out, disabled xDrip+ in Greenify, and basically disabled every power saving routine on the phone. The strange thing is that the Share feature works great when I’m not in bed overnight. Hopefully it’s a transient problem.

I so glad to hear the watch is working out for you. Yes, I’ve heard others say that they must use Scan Constantly, too, but I never have it on. Peculiar, but thanks so much for keeping me updated.

I don’t use Dexcom Share sync but it could be a network issue. Have you taken a look at the Event Log in xDrip+ (upper right corner menu)? You might want to check the Dexcom Share site, too, to be sure it is up or whether there were any issues during the night.

I use Nightscout and typically have no issues with my BGs and treatments be uploaded in real-time. However, coincidentally, the last couple of days, NOTHING got uploaded and I did indeed have errors being logged in the Event Log. The issue was my Azure site. Once restarting it, xDrip+ had no issues. HOWEVER, as I type this, I am seeing a couple of NightscoutUploader errors again! But my Azure site is up, so in my case, it is indeed transient. Hope it transient for you as well.

I’ll be really interested to see if this will work with Android Wear 2.0.
I’m looking to pair the G5 with the LG Sport when both are available in Canada.

Ok. Back to square one. My G5 transmitter died according to xDrip+. So I changed it and entered the new transmitter code into the app. Then I started a new sensor and waited the two hour warm up.

Now I’m seeing the " please wait, need two readings from transmitter first" message, and I’m unable to calibrate.

When I started with xDrip+ it took about a week for everything to settle down. Is this normal for XDrip+ after every transmitter change? I’m using a Sony Smart watch 3 as the collector and the app is on my Samsung Note 4.

Thanks for any help anyone can offer.

Problem solved. I wrote to Jamorham (Jon), the xDrip+ developer and he told me that the newer Dexcom transmitters have a slightly altered firmware. This requires reauthenticating before every reading as a workaround. It’s found in “Settings”>“G5 Debug Settings”. Tick “Authenticate G5 before each read”

Hopefully this will save someone else the same aggravation I’ve had for the past day and a half.


I am new to xdrip and I am not sure I get it yet! I want to use a smart watch to directly (stand alone) collect and display my G4 or G5 cgm from dexcom. I don’t want to have to have my phone with me all the time to see my cgm data on my watch. I need the watch to be waterproof, as I windsurf. Can someone please explain how I do this and which waterproof smart watch would you recommend? Thanks for the help.

you might find some answers here

Thanks for the reply. I can see from the other topic that it seems to be possible to communicate directly to the smart watch, without using a phone, via Bluetooth, but it is still not clear to me which version of xdrip you need and which waterproof smart watch. Does anyone know?