This is exciting… I’m running the current nightly build of xdrip+ from 10/17 (this is the code in real time as its under development, so there is a high risk of software bugs and other problems), and it now has the ability for an Android Wear smartwatch to communicate over bluetooth DIRECTLY with the G5 – a phone running an app does not need to be in the loop.
It seems to be working fine, although I’ve only been running it for 30 minutes. My phone is currently shut down (which I can’t keep that way for too long – no calls/texts/etc.), and my watch is dutifully collecting readings.
This is very exciting… I probably have my watch with me (on my wrist) more consistently than any other gadget, including my Dexcom receiver. I have also made the mistake from time to time of leaving the house and forgetting my phone on a saturday running errands.
Supposedly, all this data “syncs up” with the phone when the watch and phone connect again in the future. I’ll know how that works in another 15 minutes or so when I turn the phone back on.
If you have a Dexcom G5 and an Android Wear smartwatch, you can try this version of xdrip+ out by downloading and installing the latest nightly build from the Google Drive repository here.
This is beyond my comprehension. In the most simple terms possible please tell me how much this would cost @Dave26 if I ordered this watch on amazon and had it sent to your house and you jazzed it up or upgraded it or whatever voodoo you do and then mail it to me. Is that a possibility? I don’t have an android but do have an iPhone. I love the idea of being able to transmit direct to the watch without the phone.
It should work with any android wear watch (price varies from around $100 to very expensive depending on style). I believe you need to have an android device to pair with as the uploader, however.
I’d do it as a favor for you, Sam – cost only the price of the equipment.
Hold off for a bit, though… the software’s not ready yet. The newest feature allowing direct-to-watch readings works, but is buggy and unreliable right now (it hasn’t even been released to the community as a “beta” yet – I’m playing with the code as it’s being developed, and checked in, by the developers).
However, the “proof of concept” is real, and very cool – when it doesn’t lose its connection.
I had the same problems with earlier versions of xdrip+ and the phone, and that got resolved. I have no doubt connection/reliability issues will be resolved with the watch connection too.
I use the Sony Smartwatch 3 in standalone mode most of the time now rather than carry my Android phone around with me. The watch essentially runs the same xdrip+ app that the phone does except it is a stripped down version specific for the watch ui. The watch BGs are synced back to the phone upon the two devices connecting so you will be able to download these values with export as well, and they are uploaded to nightscout, once connected to the phone.
It is great to hear that something like that is developed thru Google Android as I’m not an IOS guy and never been. Probably something my IT and Code developer kids instilled on me. Quite often you hear about nice applications that are only available in at Apple App store.
Now we’ll have something first in the Google Play store. Smart as there are many more Android & WIN users than IOS.
Is this stripped down app available to the public? I have been using xdrip for a couple months now and I am fairly happy with the results. I still haven’t switched to xdrip+, mainly because the regular xdrip app has been working fine. I use a Samsung Galaxy S7 active, not sure if that matters though.
By “stripped down” what he’s mostly referring to is simply the xdrip watchface, of which there are several styles installed with xdrip+. The watchface is very simple, and doesn’t include many of the extra plus features from xdrip+ (like displaying treatments, BG projection, etc.).
The watchface I use looks pretty much like the Dexcom receiver display. It’s non-interactive – just displays the graph and current BG data.
I can’t get this to work with my setup (Galaxy S6 Edge phone, Huawei Android Wear watch).
I get good functionality when it’s first installed, then it steadily deteriorates over 2-3 days until it’s completely nonfunctional if the watch is on and connected to the phone.
Oddly, I can use my Galaxy Gear S2 smartwatch with the phone (also via bluetooth) without interfering with xdrip+ taking readings via the phone.
So, I’m off Android Wear again until this is fixed, but still a big xdrip+ fan. I am actively discussing this issue on the gitter chat for the developers, so we’ll see. May pull the source, build it, and see if I can debug where the problem is.
Also, keep in mind most people are not having the problems I am. From the gitter discussion, it looked like I was the first with a Huawei watch to try it, so it may be something unique to that watch. Don’t let my problems discourage you from trying it yourself!
Yes, definitely it is for public use! It is open source so developed by volunteer engineers. I also used xdrip and xdrip+ is very similar except has more features such as treatment taking for insulin and carbs, and the G5 standalone feature.
I’m so glad to hear about this innovation. I’ve use a Garmin Fenix 3, which can receive notifications via Bluetooth. There is an app for it which can pull CGM data from Nightscout, which I believe is a cloud-based repository for CGM data. I haven’t tried it yet, because I simply don’t know how well it will work, and I think it will drain my battery quickly. I do get notifications from Dexcom app, but only “low” and “urgent low.” This is helpful and better than nothing, but it would be much better to get actual numbers and a direction arrow. Anyway, this gives me hope that one day I might get my wish.
Hi Dave, Any chance you’ve figured out how to get the G5 to send signal directly to Android Wear without having to go through the phone (eg if phone is out of range)?
I have an Asus Zenwatch 3 and it’s worked a couple of times, but won’t stay consistently connected via bluetooth. I can’t carry my phone on each at work so would like to just use a smartwatch if possible. Any advice is greatly appreciated!
[quote=“KS615, post:18, topic:56748, full:true”]
Hi Dave, Any chance you’ve figured out how to get the G5 to send signal directly to Android Wear without having to go through the phone (eg if phone is out of range)?
[/quote]Sorry you are having these problems. Since I’m not using an AW watch what limited time I’ve had to put into development over the holidays has all been refining and adding functionality to the App Widget that I use in Wearable Widgets on my Gear S2.
Wish I had better news for you; development and debugging of that feature is very active, however, with the main developers, so I’d encourage you to join up on the Gitter discussion, and share your issues there. I know the discussion gets awefully technical, but don’t let that scare you away – the group happily supports novice users who have questions, problems, etc.
Thanks for your response. Are you able to get it directly to your Gear s2 with the widget? I’m going to return the Zenwatch and considering the Sony smartwatch 3 since some have had success so will certainly check out the gitter group. Thanks again!