Might try the back of the arm next time. But so far 3 weeks in and 3 failed sensors before 7 days. Last one failed on day 5. Daughter went to the pool and was only there about an hour. I guess it got wet? We called and every time they sent us a free sensor so that’s always good but I wish we could get the full 7 days out of them. The one we are currently using has a griff grip around it and it seems to hold better than the pump peelz. We like both and will keep trying both. After the pool the G5 was 100 points different than the hand meter and could never get right. So when we called them they said to go ahead and replace the sensor. Sure hope the G6 works better when we get that (prob later this summer).
I place my wife’s sensors on her arm (side of her arm–not back) and she’s had great luck with them there. I place my own only on my abdomen, and I too, have great luck with them in that spot. YMMV.
Hi do you have any tips for using thighs? New user and hate using abdomen. Tried inner thigh vertically for third sensor. It is so comfortable!! But 24 hours later still erratic readings. Mostly very low. Do you think is because my thighs do not have much fat? I just restarted. Maybe that will help? Or just find another spot? Thank you for all tips
When I use the thigh I use the upper 1/3 of the thigh. The first time I used my thigh I placed the sensor about 4/5 inches from the knee and that location did not work well
You might also consider the back of the upper arm, which is pretty popular. My problem is that abdomen and thighs are about all I have for siting my infusion sets. Places like lower back, buttocks and upper arms, which were routinely in the rotation when I was injecting, are just so darn hard to reach, or too hard to prevent rip-outs, or are awkward to get the tubing to, so the places I can use I don’t want to “waste” by planting the big sensor patch in the middle. Upper arm’s a little awkward to insert into, but not bad when you get the hang of it, and since I can’t manage to infuse there (I’ve tried) I can at least use it for something!
Mine is placed up higher. I watched a YouTube of a girl inserting in upper outer thigh. I tried the inner thigh as I thought I wouldn’t be able to sleep with it on the outside. Anyway, I restarted the device and it is working much better. Not dropping down to forty when I feel fine. And am fine after finger stick. All a learning curve. Thank you
Working on the thigh problem. Restarted and it is working better. I am interested in your infusion set application. What type do you have? When I had the Omni pod I rotated From abdomen to back. Just four sites. Now I am back to the Medtronic 630G due to insurance. I only use my abdomen. I never thought of placing on leg. Mine are pretty thin. Does it hurt? As for Dexcom. May try arm next. My daughter can help. Thanks for the reply
@Jane16, in addition to @DrBB 's suggested places (which I use), I also use my upper forearm and calf. Personally though, upper thigh is my favored location, followed by lower outside arm 3 to 4.inches above elbow in a sideways position. Thighs and arms are super consistent for me regarding BG values and I generally get 4 weeks/sensor
The Omnipod gives you more placement options because of the lack of tubing. When I use my upper arms with my Medtronic I always end up yanking it out when taking my shirt off, and it’s kind of hard to know what to do with the tube to reach wherever the pump itself is. Usually my pants pocket, which is a long way from my upper arm, and what to do with it when I take my pants down, just all kinds of problems with that spot. But it’s great for the CGM. I’ve occasionally asked my wife to help but you can actually do it yourself–there are a couple of good demos on YouTube if you search on it. Some people also swear to the back of the calf. I’ve tried it a couple of times, but once I had one shift and stick into the muscle sheath and could hardly walk until I could remove it, so I haven’t gone back there.
Front of my thighs was always a favorite spot in the rotation back when I was on injections because I don’t seem to have a lot of sensitivity there. I usually couldn’t feel it. Even if that tends to be a sensitive spot for you, the sensor filament is so fine that it may be less of a problem than an infusion cannula, which is pretty big. Worth a try.
I miss my Omni Pod. But oh well. I will keep trying new places with the Dexcom but I think will stick to abdomen for the pump. I am willing to try arm but truthfully the thought of my calf is just no bueno. May try the lower back just above the belt line. I so appreciate this forum. It’s just so nice to have people to talk with who understand. Thank you.
So quick update on Dexcom 5 placement. Upper thigh never gave accurate readings. Had my daughter place on upper arm towards the back. Working beautifully. Had to get over my not wanting equipment to show. My insecurity. Thanks for help to all.