So, I've been using my Dexcom on my arm, really feels great there and no pain when inserting. I just changed out my sensor and did this placement vertical on the arm but w/the actual transmitter facing down rather then up, i.e., the part that you pull twist off at the end is towards my shoulder rather then my hand...has anyone done it this way. My numbers seem a bit off but it could just be cause it's a new sensor. THANKS!
Yup, back of arms was a good site for me. I have good numbers after the break in day or two. I prefered to have small end up only to help prevent water penetration while and improve drying post shower. Don't remember a difference in numbers between thin end up or down.
I found that I tended to sleep on it and get the the big V drop in the night. Also its a place people tend to touch in casual greeting. Had issues with banging on door jams.
I have since moves to the outside of the girls, under the bra band near armpit. Gives good numbers and is protected from touch and bumping. Don't lay on it as much but still get the occasional V.
I just tried my thigh and though it hurt more to insert it there than my abdomen, it failed after 5 minutes! I was so disappointed because I want to be able to try the arm and the thigh and give my tummy time to heal. The new abdomen spot hurt like hell to insert so now just nervous in general. Pain could so easily sidetrack me from re-inserting.
I also walk into doorjambs alot...clumsy that way so scared I would rip the sensor right out.
Any spot on body that has a fat layer is a potential dex placement site. Just be sure to pinch up so you can control angle and prevent insertions that hit muscle.
Personally I started with the "approved" horizontal abdominal placement. Had reasonable numbers since I do have luv handles/belly fat, but the flex motion interfered with keeping it in and working well for sensor restarts.
Tried MID thighs, top, inside and outside and while the number where good, I could not keep it in for a week let alone through a restart due to ripping it out with clothing up and down, frantic bathroom runs etc.
Next site I tried was vertical on back of arms. These worked well, and had good numbers with initial placement and did well with restarts, but had issues with sleeping on it and getting false low alarms in the middle of the night. Also had problems with one handed placement and getting extra tape on to keep it on for additional weeks, as well as triming loose tape.
It also was a site that gets patted/touched in social situations/greetings and is banged on door jams, car doors etc.
Tried front of arm/biceps area- big fail- Not enough flubbed- poking muscle- too painfully and numbers were unreliable.
Currently using side of either breast, think of area near armpit but still in fat pad. It gives good numbers, I don't lay on it as much at night, it's covered by bra so not as much issue with cloths on and off and definitely is an area not prone to casual touch. And it's in an area I can see and use two hands for insertion and extra tape if needed.
It's not in the way for "fun" touch either. I put tegaderm on first and do placement and insertion through it and do not need to add extra tape to keep it on. Don't even know it is there.
I'm getting usefully data for 3-4 weeks before it fails. The last week I tend to get more dropouts / ??? and wider variability between dex and meter.
Do not be afraid to try out new sites, give them a good test to see if they work for you numbers wise as well as ease of placement, convenience, and level of annoyance or discomfort. You may find something that works and is a new place for us to try.
I can’t even imagine getting enough courage to try my breasts! Hats off to you!
Usually no more painful during insertion then other sites and frequently less. Once it's in I'm not aware that it is there! Can run for three weeks with out issue. Tend to have itch from the tegaderm, rather than any other sensations.
Think of breast as a clock with nipple as center. Dex is placed like clock hand, tend to do 1-4 o'clock on left, when facing me and about 7-11 on the right.
Also do pump infusion sites on the opposite side as well. Am using comfort shorts, so is manual insertion, since I chose insertion site and angle I can move if there is a pinch on start of insertion. Kind of weird to watch myself do a infusion site placement and not feel anything.
I only used dex for a few months but I know for sure arms sounded like an option that wasn’t for me. I have zero fat on my arms… Nothing but a thin layer of skin over veins muscle and sinew. I tried in my inner thigh once too following others good reports here-- the sensor went strait into muscle and was painful every step I took. Only place I could find any fat to stick it into was love handles… Which slammed into every doorway etc i went through, so I inched them forward a little and that seemed to work though. I’m still happily Cgm free though